Chapter 34: Protectiveness and Love

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It's February eighth on Thursday. Mj is with the AcaDec team without Ned, Flash and Peter to discuss about why they have been acting suspicious.

"Why have you guys been acting suspicious around Peter?" Mj immediately asks.

"He's the one who has been acting suspicious" Abe shoots back making Mj raise an eyebrow.

"We think something's up but we don't know what" Cindy lies.

"And what are your suspicions?" Mj wonders.

"Not good do not want to know" Betty admits.

"Tell me" Mj practically demands.

"Abe thought he was cheating and then he brought up a girl name Lila so you know" Charles blurts out.

"Lila's a friend" Mj answers.

"Ya we knew that when Peter told us in the group chat while you were drawing him" Sally claims.

"I know this isn't your only suspicion" Mj accuses.

"Well you joked about him being Tony Starks kid and we were connecting the dots that ya...he seems like his kid no doubt" Cindy nods.

"There's more" Mj calls out.

"No there isn't" Abe denies.

"You know" Mj connects the dots.

"Know what?" Betty acts stupid.

"Don't tell anyone or else you are all dead and if you don't believe that, then believe you'd also be getting sued for everything you and your family has. Don't tell him you know and stop acting like you know something. You are putting him more on edge than he needs to be" Mj threatens before walking away.


"Dude! You didn't tell me you and Betty went on a date yesterday! Now I'm not regretting bringing Mj free Spider-Man cupcakes I got from little kids instead of you" Peter pouts.

"I was nervous and didn't want you to spy! Also, that's not fair! I want free Spider-Man cupcakes!" Ned complains.

"They're gone now. Also, May even knew before me! Your mom told her" Peter recalls.

"I was going to text you!" Ned protests.

"But you didn't" Peter snaps back.

"Ima just go...I'll meet you guys in class" Flash walks away awkwardly.

"Fine, sorry I didn't tell you" Ned apologizes.

"And I'm sorry I didn't bring you any cupcakes" Peter also apologizes as they do their secret handshake before the bell rings.


Chris is absent thank god. Peter overheard Leo and Todd saying that he's sick and they honestly don't care about bothering Peter so he's in the clear.

It was history class when Peter felt like he was being watched and he knew Mj felt that too. Even when they went to lunch, they still felt like someone was watching. Flash and Ned felt the same and they didn't even have to say anything, they just had the same look Mj and Peter had.

It was chemistry class where Mr. Harrington has a golden retriever in class making everyone awe at it. The golden retriever wags their tail at everyone and even shoves a toy at Peter for him to toss back in a playing way.

Mr. Harrington made everyone sit down before the bell rang and when it did, he cleared his throat. Everyone couldn't stop staring at the dog though.

"Her name is Bailey and is my daughters family dog. She's six years old but clearly bigger than a puppy and I have a proposition" Mr. Harrington starts only for the door to open.

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