Chapter 17: Rules and Talks

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It's been hours.


It's currently the middle of the night on Sunday, November 23rd.

More accurately, it's two in the morning and close to three.

May was super tired so Tony made sure that he would call for her if anything were to happen and ushered her to bed.

Pepper had tried to basically do the same to Tony once May was gone but he wasn't having it.

It's a miracle how Nat does her magic with the other kids. Probably because they are scared from her threatening gaze.

Well actually no, just Ned and Flash are but Mj probably realized that everyone is right. They need to be taken care of especially because they've been gone for awhile.

It's a miracle they got Tony to eat but to be fair, the food was brought to him along with coffee because they know how Tony rolls. In all honestly, he only ever gotten up to use the bathroom or to pace the hall.

Tony is currently on his Stark Pad, tinkering around with some ideas. He snaps his head forward as he hears the medbay door opening to see Dr. Helen Cho with a clipboard.

"How is he?" Tony is quick to ask, rushing to his feet and putting the iPad down.

"The surgery has been a success and he hasn't fallen into a hibernation coma which means he's still awake. He's a bit...traumatized I would say though from not only the kidnapping but because he was still able to feel and hear what was going on around him. You are aware of his PTSD, right?" Helen makes sure.

"Yes I'm aware, Banner diagnosed him before he left with Thor" Tony nods.

"Ok so just be aware of that then because this has definitely triggered it I would assume. He is allowed for visitors but I have to go over what you need to do to help him" Helen claims.

"Which is?" Tony wonders.

"He hasn't eaten enough to fill his metabolism with the small portions he's been getting. It hasn't even been enough to satisfy humans which is why Mj, Ned and Flash are also a bit malnourished. Just like them but more carefully, you need to be easy with the food. Nothing to upset his stomach and not too much to make him sick. He also still has a concussion which makes his senses dialed up more but it should be away soon due to rapid healing kicking in. As much as we want him to sleep right now, we can't let that happen until his body isn't cold and his mind isn't trying to go into hibernation. We have pills to keep him awake but it shouldn't be long until he can actually sleep without causing anything to happen. His injuries are still healing but it shouldn't take too long with his healing factor kicking right back in. He did have some broken ribs which we fixed right up but be careful he doesn't stress them out like everything else, they're healing. We took the implant off his neck and that will cause some soreness along with shocks he's been getting on his neck possibly from a shock collar. He's going to be in pain but right now, he's on meds. Here's the papers with all the information and you are allowed to go in to keep him company. I advise let everyone get a nights rest before seeing him. We don't want to crowd him right now and he seemed to wanted to stick to you. I'll still be around the tower so come get me if anything happens" Cho explains.

"Thank you" Tony thanks, grabbing the papers and rushing into the room.

Once Tony gets into the room, he sees Peter laying on a bed, staring solely at the wall. Tony slowly approaches him to not scare him and takes a seat at the chair besides the kid.

"...hey underoos. How you feeling?" Tony asks gently.

Peter turns to look at Tony and Tony can tell he's trying so hard to not cry making Tony's heart break.

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