Chapter 18: Dead at Dreams

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That night, May is with him sitting on the chair next to his bed and reading her book while Peter is on his Stark iPad.

Peter's playing a Star Wars game when his mind slips away into a dark void of thoughts.

Thoughts that have everything and anything to do with his kidnapping.

"I'm sorry Peter" Otto apologizes. "I hope one day you can forgive me though I wouldn't be able to forgive myself."

"It's not your fault. Just...just get it over with" Peter claims, gritting his teeth before the pain comes rushing in.

"I never wanted to do this. You're a good hero, remember that" Otto sighs before poking a needle into Peter as he lets out a scream.

Peter blinks.

A tear threatening to come down.

Him and Doc Ock had quite a ton of talks together whenever Norman, Beck or the guards weren't around. Besides him poking needles and doing things to Peter, he was a nice man. His only fear was Norman.

Otto had explained to Peter how Norman was nice before the goblin got ahold of him. He used that power to become stronger and better for himself. 

Otto told Peter how Norman could be a stuck up man. He could be greedy and selfish. The goblin part in him only had made it worse and more welcomed.

When his son came back from boarding school for break, he realized his father had changed. He saw evil in his father and became scared so he fled back to boarding school. It made Norman upset and angry so he dug up his feelings and buried them away.

"We were best friends until all of these things had happened to us. Norman with the goblin and me with these robotic arms. They used to control me you know...invaded my mind. Norman helped me so I was in control of them. He thought I was still evil but that was all the arms doings. That's why I'm here. He thinks I want to do this but I don't. I'm not evil anymore though by doing this, it's making me still be the bad guy. I never wanted that. You're smart and's terrible you have to go through this" Otto shakes his head.

"I'll help you out of this. You shouldn't be going through all of this either" Peter assures right before he snaps his mouth shut and his eyes goes wide. "He's coming."

"Are you ok sweetie?" May snaps Peter out of his thoughts.

"Yeah, sorry...just thinking" Peter claims.

"Mind telling me about what?" May wonders but Peter just shakes his head. "That's alright. I'm here...everybody is here if you need to talk to any one of us."

"Thanks" Peter thanks before going back to his game.


"You're tests are all good. You're still healing but that's normal. Another good news for you is that it looks positive for you to be able to sleep. Your body temperature looks to be 97.6F which is right next to the normal of 98F. Since you just ate, I wouldn't see why not start sleeping now. If you need anything from either me or anybody else, Friday will be monitoring you" Cho explains with a bright smile.

"Thank you so much Dr. Cho" Peter thanks.

"It's a pleasure to see you healthy again. I'll let you be now, sleep tight" Dr. Cho waves before leaving the room.

Peter positions himself into a more comfortable position. He looks up at the ceiling as Fri dims the lights at his request before falling into a deep sleep.

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