Chapter 21: Chaotic Elements

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It's December 16th on Wednesday. Everything was fine before then. Peter and Clint had their snowball fight a few days ago, Tony and him would work in the lab, everyone would watch movies and eat together, his friends would come over to do their homework and he's been going to his check ups with Cho.

But today...everyone seems quiet and Peter doesn't know what to do. May left for work, Happy is working downstairs, Pepper is up in her office going over paperwork, Tony is locked up in his lab, Bucky is locked up in his room and everyone else is either in the comms or at the training room.

Yelena is really the only one who isn't quiet like everyone else but she's been in the training room with Nat. Clint is quietly playing video games, surprisingly. Steve has been trying to talk to Bucky through the door and then paces around the comms. Sam has been on his cracked phone but it seems like he's just staring at it. While Rhodey has been trying to get Tony out of the lab or at least have him let Rhodey in.

Peter has been bored and lonely. He doesn't like to be alone for a large amount of time but it's seriously so awkward every time he tries to make conversation or just sit in the comms so he's in his room.

"Honeybear wants you outside of Boss's lab" Friday announces.

"Did he say why?" Peter wonders.

"No but it has something to do with Boss that I cannot disclose to you" Friday claims.

"Ok...well tell him I'm on my way" Peter agrees, getting up from his bed and making his way to the lab.


"Hey Rhodey!" Peter greets as Rhodey walks towards him, away from the lab door.

"Hey Pete! I need a favor" Rhodey goes straight to the point, talking in a low voice to make Peter do the same.

"Only if I get a favor in return" Peter bargains making Rhodey stop in his tracks.

"You spend too much time with certain people" Rhodey comments but Peter just shrugs it off. "I need you to try and talk to Tony. Try to let him in the lab or just have him talk back to you."

"Did something happen? I would like to know, this is the favor" Peter states.

"It's not my thing to say" Rhodey shuts down.

"Is it about him and Bucky? He's been locked up in his room all day. Everyone is actually a bit tense and very quiet" Peter tries to connect the dots.

"Maybe, maybe not. I'll leave you to talk to him through the door. He's just upset and maybe you could help him. Pepper and Happy both tried earlier before they went to go work and I need to go pick up some presents. He won't answer me anyways but he'll maybe answer you" Rhodey rambles a bit.

"Yeah, of course I'll try. Don't worry about it" Peter assures.

"Thanks Pete, knew I could relay on you" Rhodey thanks.

"No problem! Bye Rhodey!" Peter waves while Rhodey says bye and leaves.

Peter takes a deep breath as he walks closer to the lab door. He knows Tony most likely won't open it but he sits down in front of the door.

"Hey Tony, it's Peter! Rhodey left to go do his Christmas shopping! Wonder what he's getting everybody...anyways! I was thinking we could build an elf cause of the Christmas spirit but I'm not really too sure about that. You know, Mj, Ned, Flash and I don't have a ton of schoolwork left which is great! It's mainly because we've been doing so much of it to try and get it done quicker and it actually seems like it's working! Plus, teachers are starting to relax a bit because of the holidays coming so near" Peter stops when he hears a beep in the lab.

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