Chapter 6: Past, Ghosts, Mysteries

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"I don't understand how no one found Spider-Man yet!" Todd yells in frustration.

"That's cause the cops does a terrible job which only leaves the split up Avengers" Leo points out.

"That's because this guy is like super good. He didn't even show up on the news! Just his bomb things" Flash argues.

"And this is Tony Stark we are talking about, he should've found him by now. What if they're just doing this for fame or something?" Todd suggests.

"Now you know that's not true" Leo dismisses.

"Just a suggestion" Todd throws his hands up in the air defensively.

"Don't you guys think it's weird that the Parker kid hasn't shown up to school for weeks? I miss making fun of that kid, he's such a nerd" Leo snorts.

"I mainly make fun and beat him up" Flash corrects. "But yeah, where the hell is that nerd?"

"I heard he's sick" Todd shrugs.

"Now isn't that sus. For weeks? Nah, that's totally cap" Leo claims.

"It's whatever, let's just continue to look out for Spider-Man. He has to show up somewhere" Flash changes the conversation back to the main topic.

"We should check the area where he got taken. Maybe they all missed something" Leo shrugs.

"Yeah like we would find something there. The avengers, cops and even random people had all checked that place but fine, let's just go and see" Todd gives in.


May and Ned are looking at Mj with wide eyes as she's holding a small box that might just contain the notes they are looking for. They don't know what to feel. They don't know whether they wanted Peter to be retrieving weird notes or not but if he had, it might be helpful as to who kidnapped him.

"Open it" May tells Mj with a nod of her head, allowing the girl to continue.

Mj nods her head in return and opens the box. There they see a bunch of notes stacked upon each other.

"Jackpot" Ned says in a low voice.

Mj grabs all of the notes out of the box and sure enough, there's a lot. Mj starts to shuffle through all of them and sees two different handwritings but also the date in Peters handwriting on each one of them.

"There are more than one kidnappers. Some notes have different handwritings then the other and Peter even wrote the dates on when he received these notes!" Mj explains with wide eyes.

"What do they say?" May wonders.

"Uhhhh..." Mj starts to read through the very first one before skimming through all of them making her face fall. "Some are creepy and they confirmed they knew he was Spider-Man through his last note."

"Save them. We'll read them at the tower. We should go and call a meeting" May plans.

"Wait, how did you know about that hiding spot and that they were in there?" Ned questions.

"Peter showed me actually and with the dates on these notes he showed the spot to me after he received his third note. I didn't know why and when I had asked he said just in case I ever need to run into his room and hide something. I should've thought that had meant more than I thought've" Mj claims.

"It's fine, you did great. You both did great because now this could help lead us to who kidnapped him and where he may be" May assures them. "Now we should head back to the car before Happy gets mad that we're making him wait forever."

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