He, despite hitting her, caressed the spot where he had hit, his features nonchalant, "I was preventing the spread of a disease."

          "Did you just call me a disease?"

          He shrugged, "You said it, not me."

          "Watch where you sleep tonight. Lock your doors thrice," she grumbled as she watched him leave before turning to Ectoplasm, "Fine. I'll name it 'Sorcerer's domain'."

          She couldn't tell if he were smiling but he sounded like it as he nodded in approval, "That's better. I like it. Now, we need to polish it. How far is the range? How many people could you control?"

           "I've never thought of it," she mumbled, hand on her chin, "Then, could I ask for more clones, sensei?"

          "How many?"

          She smiled, "How many can you make?"

          Soon, Arisa was excused from the gym and was told to utilize the field to test her range. Her classmates were all curious but they were told to focus by the teachers present. Arisa waved at Izuku who gave a lopsided smile and returned the gesture before focusing on Ectoplasm before him. The girl was now in the centre of the field, multiple clones around her, about twenty of them, all staring at her.

          "You may start, Arisa," one of them spoke, "Or have you started already?"

          Arisa smiled, "What do you think? Have I? Scary, isn't it?"

          "It's formidable."

          "Well, sensei," the girl suddenly multiplied, "It's an illusion but how will you break through it?"

           Panning out, Arisa was staring at the clones who were all frozen stiff, their eyes all glowing a bright blue.

           She had no limit.

           Quietly, she grew afraid of her capabilities and once more, she was reminded of her lineage, something she would often recall everytime she looked into the mirror.

           All For One's child.

          A child borne of evil, destined to be evil.

          Suddenly, Ectoplasm ran towards her and her eyes widened, dodging and taking to the skies. His clones were all quick to grab her and he was grounded immediately, tackled to the ground, her back pressed against the grassy ground. Ectoplasm stared down at her, "It was a good move, Hayashi but you should make it harder to escape."

          Arisa stared up at her teacher over the mountain of clones.

          Her eyes glinted blue and the world darkened as she cackled, "This is still an illusion, sensei," she disappeared from beneath the clones, her voice echoing throughout the darkness she had created, surrounding the clones eerily, "Trippy, isn't it? I could show you your deepest fears in here but Aizawa would kill me so I'll keep you in a loop. Will you find your way out?"

           In the real world, Arisa was sitting with her legs crossed and hovering above the grass, her gaze fixed on the clones. She could see everything he could see within his mind and it was quite amusing to see when he thought he had escaped. It felt cruel but the teachers did say this was their chance to polish their quirks so she was going to experiment on him until she could explore the full potential of this ability.

          Aizawa watched her from a distance.

          This child, one he had taken in a few years ago, had unlimited potential. She carried a much too large burden on her small shoulders and he worried that one of these days she was going to collapse under its weight. She was, despite her background, the purest child he had ever met. He adored her silly smiles and how bright she'd look when halloween came. After finding out her true lineage, regarding her father, he was shocked but her was more concerned for her well-being. She might have been smiling all the time but he could see that she was dealing with a lot.

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