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Alicia pov
"I can't stay in a relationship with someone who abuses me none stop, mentally and physically. I know it's not good for me or my health but it's rafe and I love him and everything about him, you have no idea how many times I have tried but I couldn't bring myself to break up with him god knows how broken or psychotic it will make him. We fight them make up but we don't even apologise to each other we just have sex because he thinks that will fix anything and everything well  I've been having these thoughts that maybe he just wants my body to make himself feel dominant and powerful thinking he can playing with me like a doll" I blurt out all at one to my therapist.
Yes I have been seeing a therapist and no rafe does not have to know about it.
"Okay alicia" she pauses "has rafe ever thrown anything at your like a glass sculpture or plant pot for example" she questions.
"Yes once we were having a pointless argument and he though a vase at my head but I duck and it missed me by a little" i embarrassed to admit
She sits in silence writing things down.

" i know  how much you want to get out and i can i think i have an i idea" my therapist leans forward. my eyebrows frown in in pure shock. someone willing to help me get away from rafe as much as i want to theres so much to think about. "what were u thinking" i lean in. 

"its going to take a lot but, you take rafe out to dinner treat him just right or even better you say all the right things, you then take him home give him the best sex of his life and give him his own pleasure. when he falls asleep you go and pack all your shit ill have a ticket back to obx booked we are going to fake your murder and dont worry i know how to ill do it whilst your out on your date. i call the police saying your missing, you have to and i mean have to dress up different i mean wig and different passport, which is no problem i know people and the police come to your old apartment rafe is at the top of there list, ill tell them how you've been telling me about how hes been hitting you and abusing you mentally".

"thats your plan i did not see that coming" i jaw

"its the only way" she leans back

"and when will this take place" i actually the plan into consideration. 

"whenever you want" she replies.

"ill take rafe out tomorrow, and you book the flight and get me the passport, the key to my apartment will be under the doormat and you do what you need to, ill be gone 2 hours max" i add

"its officially in place"

"no backing out now" she adds before i leave the door.

i walk through the front door and already have rafe at my throat.

"there she is, where have you been all day ive ben calling you all day"

"all day rafe its 1 pm, i went out for a walk" i argue back

"for 2 hours, no you were with another man" he cries

"oh yeah of course you would assume that"

"are you cheating on me alicia" he firmly says

i place both hand on his face "baby listen i only want you i went for a walk and made us dinner reservation for tomorrow evening, im treating you and when we get home you got desert" i smirk. i take my therapist words into consideration.

he kisses my head and hugs me "im going in the shower feel feel to join" he walks into the distance. i take a deep breath out and stare at the floor. 


im in bed and receive a text i stare at the screen got the passport and plane ticket also got you a wig ill leave it under your bed before i leave tomorrow. i get hit with shock and how this is actually go#ing to happen and im going through with it. his arms hug me tightly and feel a light kiss on my cheek "love you babe" he whispers. the goose bumps travel like lightning down my spin and spread over my arms like a controllable rash. 


today i have to pretend to be really happy should be easy. "good morning baby" i smile at rafe. "someone's in a good mood this morning" he smirks kissing me.

"i get to treat my baby why wouldn't i be happy, also start getting ready at 2pm cuz thats the only time they had left"

time comes where i leave the key under the mat and text her to come. 

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