Chapter 34: Protectiveness and Love

Start from the beginning

"I had a doctors appointment" Chris claims, walking in and taking a seat. "Who is the dog?"

Guess he wasn't actually sick.

"Her name is Bailey, she's my daughters family dog and is six years old. Anyways, I have a proposition for everyone. I will be asking you all five questions in total. You all need to choose five different people. All questions are obviously chemistry related. If you get four or even five out of five right, you get to play with Bailey for the rest of the period" Mr. Harrington explains before everyone gathers together in the middle of the class and starts to choose people.

"I'll be one of the people. I'm great at chemistry" Chris lies.

"No you aren't. Peter, you are going to be one of the contesters" Abe picks Peter.

"I have an A, I'm also going" Chris argues.

"Fine, whatever" Abe rolls his eyes.

"Sure, I'll be one" Peter agrees as they continue to pick.

In the end they choose their five people. Hannah, Zach, Valerie, Chris and Peter in that order. They all sit back down besides those five and Mr. Harrington begins his questions.

"Can you light diamond on fire and why or why not?" Mr. Harrington asks Hannah.

"Yes, diamond can be burned. The most common form of burning of everyday life is in fact, carbon combustion which is where carbon atoms break their bonds with. each other and other atoms to form bonds with oxygen atoms" Hannah answers.

"Correct! How can glass be a liquid if it's so hard?" Mr. Harrington questions Zach.

"The material of glass is quickly cooled from its liquid state but doesn't solidify when it's temperature drops below its melting point. From that stage, the material is supercooled liquid and an intermediate state between liquid and glass" Zach explains.

"Correct! How does plasma make a campfire flame orange?" Mr. Harrington wonders.

"The charged gas or de-excitation of plasma isn't the source of the light given off by a campfires flame. The incandescence of a solid soot particles billowing up on an updraft of hot air is what creates the light seen as a flame" Valerie responds.

"Correct! When does the breaking of chemical bonds release energy?" Mr. Harrington continues the questions.

"It releases when old bonds start to disperse. When the chemical bonds get too old, there needs to be a release of energy" Chris replies after a moment of thinking.

"I'm sorry but that is incorrect. Energy is released when new bonds form which is bond-making also is known for exothermic process. It depends between endothermic or exothermic on the differences between the energy that is needed to break bonds which has the energy released when new bonds form. Peter, what is the difference between chemical process and physical process in chemistry?" Mr. Harrington asks the last question as Chris turns red in embarrassment and anger.

"Chemical processes involve changes in chemical bonds while physical processes involve change only in intermolecular forces" Peter answers.

"Correct! Good job everyone! Since you got four out of five correct, you may play with Bailey for the rest of the period!" Mr. Harrington allows which makes everyone clap and cheer for the contestants who got it right.

Mr. Harrington sits back at his desk as everyone moves towards Bailey. Chris stares at Peter with hatred which he quickly ignores and talks with his friends before moving to pet the dog.

"You should make Mr. Stark get you a dog, he'll definitely say yes" Ned claims, petting Bailey.

"He doesn't want anymore pets at the tower and I'm not even there all the time" Peter denies.

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