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As they wake up the next day, they both realize that they are both extremely sore. "Do you think we overdid it?" Meagan asks as they slowly walk to the bathroom to get ready for the day. "No, I think we did just the right amount," Amethyst says and then quickly kisses Meagan. They both decide on having a relaxed day, just doing what feels right at the moment, and right now that's baking a cake. "Baby! You have flour everywhere!" Meagan says while laughing. "How do you manage to bake so neatly?" Amethyst asks and laughs as well. "I've been in the kitchen for as long as I could remember and it was very important to stay neat and tidy." She tells her. "Well, that was the past," Amethyst says before sneakily taking a handful of flour and throwing it at Meagan. "Oh, it's on!" Meagan replies, taking a handful and throwing it at Amethyst. Amethyst tries to dodge it but ultimately fails. The kitchen is filled with screams and laughter as well as a lot of flour being thrown everywhere. They only stop when hearing the timer go off, letting them know the cake is done. "Okay, okay I surrender," Meagan says, throwing her hands up in the air. "Success!" Amethyst says as she does a little happy dance. "You're such a dork," Meagan says and laughs as she pulls the cake out of the oven to let it cool. "You love it." Amethyst teases. "I do, I really truly do," Meagan says back. They let the cake cool and frost it, "Finally!" Amethyst says, taking a bite. Meagan takes a bite as well, "We did well." She says. "That we did," Amethyst says back. "Well, I did good, you stood there looking confused and cute for most of it," Meagan tells her making Amethyst stomp and pout like a child, crossing her arms, she was going to argue but knows Meagan is right. "At least I won the flour contest!" She says instead. "Only because I quit!" Meagan says back. The two of them laugh as they continue to eat the cake, neither of them has eaten much recently so this was very much needed. After the cake is almost gone Meagan begins to clean it up, "Will you still love me if I was fat?" Amethyst asks. "Of course I would, why do you ask that?" Meagan asks in response. "I've been wondering about that a lot lately. I've gained weight since stopping drugs and it's kind of scary." Amethyst tells her, trying her best to stay composed and calm.
"Is that why you haven't been eating much recently?" Meagan asks her. That's when Amethyst breaks down and nods her head, "I'm sorry." She replies. "Baby, I was going to ask sooner but didn't want to come off as pushy." Meagan says and hugs Amethyst. "You are already so small, I can't have you get any smaller love." She continues. "I just don't want to get bigger." Amethyst cries. "Well, what if you happen to get pregnant someday?" Meagan asks. "Then that's different." Amethyst replies. "You need to keep your body strong and healthy so it can carry a child someday." Meagan tells her. That seems to calm Amethyst down for the time being, "Okay, I'll try." She says. "Good girl." Meagan says with a wink and immediately making Amethyst blush. "My cute little submissive" Meagan teases her. Amethyst hides her face in her hands and mutters, "Only for you." Meagan walks up and takes her hands off her face, "Don't hide from me cutie, I love seeing you get flustered for me." She tells her. "Okay." Amethyst shyly replies. Meagan can tell Amethyst is getting all hot and bothered, "I know you want to, but we can't have sexy time today my love." Meagan says, making Amethyst roll her eyes in annoyance. "I'm too sore, you're too sore, we need to give our bodies time to rest." Meagan replies. "Fine, can I have cuddles though?" Amethyst asks. "Of course, you can, let's go cuddle and watch a movie alright?" Meagan tells her. So they do, they sit on the couch and hold each other as they play Disney films on the TV. Amethyst feels Meagan's hand slide up her shirt, "Just for comfort." She tells her. Amethyst smiles and does the same to Meagan. "My little sexual deviant." Amethyst teases in a cute baby voice. Meagan laughs, "I don't know if I should be offended or not?" She replies. "I wouldn't be, I love it and I love you." Amethyst tells her. "I love you too, my sexual submissive." Meagan replies. "Fair enough, fair enough." Amethyst says and then turns her attention back to the movie, Alice in Wonderland to be exact. "What type of drugs was this guy on?" Meagan asks as the cartoon plays. "Acid, I bet it was acid." Amethyst tells her, "Or shroom. Acid or shrooms" She continues. "How do you know so much about drugs?" Meagan asks with a hint of laughter in her voice. "How do you know so much about the Bible?" Amethyst asks as a rebuttal. "Okay, you got me there." Meagan says in defeat and pays attention to the movie once more. "They are eating mushrooms! It has to be shrooms!" Amethyst shouts, pointing at the TV with a little too much excitement. "Alright my little druggie, put your hands back in my shirt and watch the movie." Meagan teases and laughs. "Fine, I'll touch your boobies, my little sinner." Amethyst teases right back. "Watch the movie!" Meagan shouts while laughing. Amethyst laughs as well, "I am!" She shouts. The two laugh until their stomachs hurt, making jokes about the movie while doing so. "I still can't get over the fact that they ate the poor clam babies." Amethyst tells Meagan as the movie comes to an end. "That was your main concern? I thought it was the drugs?" Meagan says as she laughs. "That too, alright it's my turn to pick the movie." Amethyst says as she jumps up from the couch. "Get ready to be amazed." She tells her as she begins to put the movie in. "My movie is going to put your movie to shame." Amethyst says as her choice begins to play. "I've never seen this before." Meagan tells her. "You've never seen The Emperor's New Groove?" Amethyst asks as she puts her hand over her heart, pretending to act hurt. "Nope, not until today." Meagan says her eyes glued to the screen. "Enjoy it, or else your movie is going to be called Meagan's New Divorce." Amethyst teases making Meagan laugh. "I don't know what's gotten into you today but I like it." Meagan tells her. "Well, not you that's for sure." Amethyst replies, rolling her eyes. "Just watch the damn movie." Meagan tells her. This time Amethyst does as told, she watches the movie but not without a few sly remarks every so often. Meagan doesn't mind, she loves it! She loves laughing with Amethyst and hearing all her jokes.

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