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The lights are on in River's nursery but nobody is home. There is no baby, just fairy lights left and a broken Meagan sitting in the corner. Amethyst peeks her head in and offers a plate of food.
"Baby you need to eat," Amethyst tells her. Meagan shakes her head no but Amethyst persists. It's been three days since River was born, six days since her heart stopped and Meagan barely had said anything since. Amethyst sits down beside her and starts eating in hopes it'll encourage Meagan too. "That's my girl, "Amethyst says as Meagan picks up a slice of toast and nibbles on it.
"I remember when you first stepped into this room," Amethyst says while they eat as a distraction from the situation.
"It was when I picked you up from your old apartment. I remember how sad and scared you looked that day, it scared me too. You've grown so much sincere then though and I'm so proud of you. Now here we are back to being sad and scared and that's okay. I just want you to know that we will find ourselves again with time." She tells her. The food is now gone and
Meagan leans her head against Amethyst's shoulder. She rarely wants to be touched anymore, it just felt wrong but right now it feels right.
"I missed holding you," Amethyst tells her, pulling Meagan into her lap.
"I miss it too. I just don't know.... I just felt like it was wrong to want to be touched in any way when feeling sad." Meagan admits.
"Meagan my love, it's normal to want to be held in times like this. It's also normal not to, but if you want to be held, don't fight it." Amethyst tells her.
"I guess it's been drilled into me to believe that it's a temptation, that I should be spending this time in prayer, alone. To act cheerful on the outside and only cry alone." Meagan replies. "My poor baby," Amethyst says while crying,
"You didn't deserve that. I wish I could've saved you." She kisses Meagan's head. Meagan then lifts her head and puckers her lips for Amethyst to kiss, she does, gently and slowly. Meagan smiles and pulls away, "Thank you." She says.
"No, thank you," Amethyst says back.
Meagan yawns, "Talking is too much work right now. Can I go to sleep?" She asks.
"Of course you can silly!" Amethyst replies. They both haven't slept much and a nap is much needed, so they get up and walk to their bedroom. They both almost instantly fall asleep in each other's arms, their faces stinging from tears but still finding a way to feel some peace.

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