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The weekend soon comes and both girls are a nervous wreck, "I can't do this, I don't want to see him."  Meagan says, shaking as she buttons up her white blouse.
"You got this, my love, don't look at him. Keep your eyes on me or keep them down. Do what you need to do." Amethyst tells her.
"What if u throw up everywhere?" Meagan asks.
"Then someone will clean it up, you'll be okay!" Amethyst replies.
They continue to get ready as Meagan continues to ask questions.
"Okay but, what if he tries to touch me?" She then asks.
"I'll kill him." Amethyst answers.
"What if I go into labor?" She asks.
"Then we will go to the hospital. You're going to be okay my love." Amethyst says, slipping on her shoes. She opens the door and starts to walk out, turning around she notices Meagan not following.
"Come on baby," Amethyst says, holding out her hand.
Meagan just stands there, frozen in the doorway, Amethyst says again, "Come on Megs."
Meagan shakes her head and starts to cry, "I can't do this." She cries.
Amethyst goes back inside and sympathetically looks at her girlfriend, "Baby, I know, it's not fair that you have to do this. I'm going to be there for you the whole time, let's get it over with. I believe in you." She tells her.
Meagan doesn't say anything, she only hugs Amethyst and cries into her shoulder as Amethyst walks them outside and leads her into the car.
The drive to the courthouse was quiet, the only noise was Meagan sniffling every so often. When they arrived, paparazzi flooded the era, it took them by surprise for a moment. They almost forgot about their status in the industry and didn't expect people to show up.
Amethyst and Meagan's legal team does their best to hide Meagan from the crowd as they walk into the courtroom, no one expected such a big outcome for this event. It makes Meagan feel cared about and actually heard for once, she is just nervous that no one will end up believing her.
The courtroom reminds Meagan of a church, she spent a lot of time in the church but never imagined being in a courtroom. She was raised to believe that the people affiliated with the law and things of that nature were evil, that they were part of Satan's army. A wolf in sheep's wool is what she was told by people on the outside where.
Speaking of her upbringing, I guess it's time to talk about Caleb.
Oh Caleb, the sweet young man who had enough and snapped.

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