A search

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Jimmy starts flying towards Scott’s empire which is really close to Gem’s. Nothing looks different, everything looks like what it did when he was there the other day.

“Where would he be?” He mumbles to himself, scanning Scott's empire.

He lands quietly in front of Scott’s house and looks around.

'I know I'm outside but nothing looks different', he thinks to himself.

He slowly walks along the path to Scott’s house. He knocks gentilly on the door hoping nothing bad will happen to him. The door doesn’t open and there is no sound in the house.

He decides that he should just go in himself and look around for Scott. Jimmy slowly opens the door and looks inside.

“Scott?” Jimmy asks and steps inside.
He looks around. There is no sight of Scott or any sound at all.

“Scott, are you in here?” He asks and looks around where he keeps all of his storage.

“I’ve come to see if you're okay, if that’s okay.”

Jimmy continues to look around. Maybe he’s upstairs and is just ignoring me. He wouldn’t be mad at me, right?

Jimmy slowly steps up the stairs. Walking slowly so he doesn't miss anything.

Once he gets up the stairs he freezes and looks around. But he wasn’t standing still for long. He looked around for Scott. This time he found him.

Jimmy ran straight towards him and dived on to the floor.

“Scott!” He shouted and grabbed him.

Scott was on the floor. He had fainted, again. This time Jimmy doesn’t know why.

“Hey, wake up!” Jimmy says and holds him in his hands, “Come on.”
He starts to get more and more worried.

“It’s fine.” He whispers to himself, trying to control his breathing. “How did this happen?”

He looks around, trying to find an answer. Scott’s staff is nowhere to be seen and he doesn’t even look injured.

Jimmy lifts him up into his arms and stands up. He’s shocked, he didn’t expect Scott to be that light. Jimmy moves Scott’s wings out of his face. He takes him over to his bed and lays him there carefully.

“You’re not evil.” Jimmy whispers to him. “That staff is tho.”
Jimmy sits next to him and stays quiet.

“I think Gem’s changed her mind about you.” He says and looks up at the ceiling. “She definitely has, I think she is starting to believe FWhip more. They both think you’re evil. You’re not tho that staff has just done something to you because I know you and I know when you’re not acting normal.”

The room goes silent. Jimmy stays there. He doesn’t know how long he has been there but he is staying until Scott wakes up.

After a long time Scott finally tries to open his eyes. Jimmy gets shocked, forgetting that he is even alive.

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