Unhelpful care

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                 - Later that day -

When Scott woke up he looked around. He was somewhere familiar and there were familiar voices too.

When his vision focused a tiny bit and his hearing went back to normal Scott realised he was at Gem's apothecary. Next to him was both Gem and Jimmy.

"Scott?" Asked Gem "Are you ok?"
Scott tried to speak but he couldn't. He didn't even know what to say, everything was just moving slowly. Gem looks at Jimmy.

"He might still be a bit dazed due to the instant blood loss, he'll start to feel better soon, hopefully." Gem muttered the last part to herself but loud enough so Jimmy could hear making him frown.

'Instant blood loss?' Scott thought to himself. He looked down at his right hand and saw it was covered in bandages.

"Stop moving around, you'll hurt your head even more." Jimmy tells him in a soft voice and moves Scotts head back slowly and gently.

"He's fine Jimmy" Gem said.
Jimmy rolled his eyes at her.

"Jimmy told me that you showed him your staff and it stabbed through your hand. You fainted and it looks like you hurt your head when you landed on the wooden floor." Gem tells Scott. She knows he can hear her.

"Jimmy used his staff to try to help your hand but the magic wasn't strong enough. One of your owls was watching and went to me and left a piece of paper telling me what happened. I used my staff to teleport me to you straight away and tried to help. Both mine and Jimmy's magic were good but not the best so I teleported us all to my apothecary and put it in bandages." Gem says.

Scott looks around the room. Jimmy was in an old looking chair that was pulled right next to the bed Scott was in and Gem was standing up. Behind Gem was potions and med kits. Scott knew something wasn't right. Even though he felt horrible and tired he could still tell that something was off. He then looked at both Gem and Jimmy. Jimmy looked okay and a bit worried for Scott but Gem, Gem looked like she was trying to hide something. Whilst telling Scott what had happened she was smiling a bit too much and her voice didn't sound like she was telling the truth.

“What did you do?” Scott managed to whisper to Gem, his voice sounded hoarse and painful.
Gem and Jimmy both looked shocked.

“Wha..what do you mean?” Gem asked, sounding worried.
Scott frowned at her, it was obvious that she did something.
Scotts voice had gone once again meaning he couldn't talk, his throat killed. He closed his eyes again in pain.

“Gem, I don't think he's okay.” Jimmy said, looking at her. Jimmy had put his hand on Scotts shoulder.

“Scott?” Jimmy asked.

“I'm okay it's just my throat, it feels like it's on fire.” Scott says.
Jimmy looks up at Gems worried face.

“What did you give him, exactly?” Jimmy asked Gem. Jimmy was mad. Scott was right Gem had done something.

“It was only a quick healing potion!” Gem told Jimmy.
‘I was right’ Scott thought to himself.

“Well it's clearly not working.” Jimmy says.

“I know! I don't know what I did wrong though!” Gem says furiously.
Scott looks at Gems potions.

“Gem,” Scott whispers “You have three of each potion, the pink ones say quick healing but there are still three of them and there are only two orange ones. What are the orange ones?”

Gem walks towards her potions to see what they say. Jimmy looks at Scott. He's not happy.

“She gave you an orange one,” Jimmy whispers to Scott.

“Why was she giving me potions?” Scott asks.

“Apparently they were the only things that would help if our staffs didn't.” Jimmy says, both looking at Gem.

Gems looking at all her potions even the ones she hasn't touched yet.

“Go have a look at what the orange one is. I don't think she knows what she's doing.” Scott tells Jimmy.
Jimmy stands up to go see. Gem turns around and looks at him.

“NO” Gems shouts at Jimmy, he stops “It's fine sit down!” She says.

“Gem I just want to see what the orange potions are, Scott did ask you to but you never looked.” Jimmy walks towards her.

Gem frowns at him and looks at the orange potions. She takes them both quickly.

“They say..” Gem reads them, “Wait..potion of harming?”
They both look at Scott. Scott sighs.

“How long does it last?” Jimmy shouts at Gem.

“Okay, okay calm down. It says 35 minutes.” Gem mumbles.

“Well you gave it to him around 30 minutes ago so it should start to wear off. Right?” Jimmy asks Gem.

“It should, all potions do.” Gem says.
Jimmy sits back down on the old looking chair again, next to Scott.

“How does your hand feel Scott?” Gem shouts from across the room. She puts her potions down and walks back towards them.
Scott looks at his hand.

“I don’t feel anything.” Scott tells them both.
Gem stands still.

“Are you sure?” She asks.
Scott nods his head at her.

“Jimmy take the bandage off.” Gem commands Jimmy.
Jimmy listens to Gem and takes it off very slowly and carefully trying not to hurt Scott even though Scott doesn’t feel anything.
As Jimmy took the bandage off, Scott’s hand was fine and looked normal.

“It looks normal,” Jimmy says with releaf in his voice.

“That's good,” Gem smiles.
His hand looked normal just like nothing had ever happened to it. Scott starts to question if anything had even happened and they were both lying to him, again. Gem looked outside and saw a dark misty sky.

“Jimmy you should go, it's quite dark outside. Scott, you can stay here for a night. Hopefully you should feel better in the morning.” Gem tells them both.
Jimmy stands up and looks outside.

“Yeah I’m probably going to go,” Jimmy looks at Gem “Do not do anything stupid.” Jimmy tells her in a serious voice.

Scott smiles. Jimmy goes to the door and puts his elytra on.

“Goodbye!” He waves at them both and then flies away into the night sky.

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