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Time unfreezes and all there is, is multiple flashes and loud noises all happen at once. Everyone was shocked. Gem had saved them! Gem was ok too! For FWhip and Jimmy it looked like Gem had teleported and stopped it with her magic.

“Are you okay?” Jimmy asks Gem. Gems stood shocked that she actually did it.

“Yeah.” She says with joy.

“What was that?” FWhip asks.

“I have no clue.” Jimmy says.

“Something that Scott did.” Gem tells them.
The mist and snow starts to fade slowly.

“He’s gone.” Jimmy says, trying to find Scott.

“Ugh” FWhip sighs loudly.

“I didn’t want you to get hurt, you know this.” Gem tells him.

“We need to do a lot more research on that staff.” She suggests.
They all agree.

“I told you he is evil. That’s why he has an evil staff. It’s obvious.” FWhip says.
Gem says nothing and just looks around hopelessly.

“I don’t think he’s evil.” Jimmy finally says.
They both look at him, waiting for a bigger explanation.

“I think that the staff has done something to him like it has corrupted him in his mind.”

Gem looks at FWhip. FWhip still doesn’t believe it.

“And FWhip just hates him and every time Scott does something wrong it gives you more evidence that he is evil even if it is an accident.” Jimmy says to them.
FWhip rolls his eyes. The fog finally disappears fully.

“Come on, I want to know what's wrong with that staff right now.” Gem says and teleports them all to her wizard tower.


“A little bit of a warning next time Gem?” FWhip asks.

Gem starts looking at all the books she has.
“Sorry.” She mumbles.

Jimmy starts thinking to himself. ‘I wish I never asked to see Scotts staff, none of this would have happened. Scott wouldn’t have gotten hurt, his staff wouldn’t have caused chaos, he wouldn’t have nearly hurt Gem, FWhip wouldn’t have gotten mad at him and everything would be okay!’

“Hello? Jimmy, are you there?” FWhip asks, waving his hand at Jimmy's face, sarcastically.

“I’m fine, I just got lost in my thoughts.” Jimmy laughed, nervously.

Gem drops a book and it hits the floor after hitting her head.

“Are you okay Gem?” FWhip asks.
Jimmy and FWhip laugh.

“I’m fine. I think I found a book!” Gem says and picks the one up from off of the floor.

They all walk over to Gem. She sits on her chair and FWhip and Jimmy look over her shoulders. She flicks through the pages trying to find one that looks right.

“What staff does bla bla bla…how to use staff…rare staffs…staff powers…Ah! Evil staffs!” Gem says.
Jimmy frowns.

“What does it say?” FWhip asks her.
Gem starts to read in her head so she can find the right part.

“It just says things like, there’s a rare chance an evil being gets an evil staff.” She says, disappointed.

“What’s on the next page?” Jimmy asks.

Gem turns the page. In bold it says the ‘most evil staffs’. They all look at the dark staff, the one that looks exactly like Scott’s.

Gem starts reading it out loud to both of them.

“It says, The dark staff. A staff of the Elves that was used for destruction and worse. This staff has only been seen once, held by a little boy said to be the champion of the evil Stag God. The staff can corrupt other beings and can destroy the whole world. The staff needs to be destroyed as well as the holder. Once the holder is given the staff there is no hope left for them, even if the staff is bannised.”

They all stay silent, enough to hear a pin drop. Jimmy did not want to believe what was written on a stupid book. There was no evidence that that was actually real, right?

Gem was shocked, so much had happened at once. FWhip was happy that he was right about Scott being evil.

“We have to…kill Scott?” Gem whispers.

“How?! If that staff can destroy the world, how are we supposed to stop it?” Jimmy shouts.

“Well there obviously is going to be a way to kill him seems he is the only one in this world with that staff.” FWhip says.

The room goes silent again. Gem starts to re-read everything in her head.

“I’m going to go.” Jimmy says.

“Where?” Gem asks.

“To my empire, where else would I go?”
Gem sees straight through Jimmy’s lies.

“He’ll kill you.” Gem says and closes the book. Dust flies out from the book as she does.

Jimmy doesn’t say anything. Both FWhip and Gem are now looking at him. Jimmy turns around and walks out of the tower and puts his elytra on.

This time Gem doesn’t stop him. Before he jumps he turns around one more time to look at FWhip and Gem, they are both still staring at him not knowing what to say or do.

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