17. Meeting.

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The amount of food at the table makes Dr. Kwami feel guilty. The woman is heavily pregnant yet she cooked because he's at the house. He could've easily eaten out or ordered food but of course Engineer refused to let him.

According to him, it's prohibited for him to have a guest over and let him order food or eat out when he's very capable of feeding his guest.

Dr. Kwami even overheard Engineer apologizing to his wife because from what Dr. Kwami heard, last week, Engineer had promised his wife that they would eat out that week. A new restaurant had opened and she wanted to be one of the first few people to enjoy the opening discount.

Oh how that heightened his guilt.

"Doctor ya naga kaman baka ci {Why does it look like you're not eating}? Eat up." Dr. Kwami fakes a smile and nods. Not able to hold it in, he leans closer to Engineer.

"Engineer da basai kasa madam tayi girki bah {you shouldn't have made madam to cook}. And moreover this is too much, way too much. Yaushe zan cinye wannan {when will I finish all this}?" Engineer smiles.

"Kai kam kar ka damu. Ka ci iya cinka. Zamu san yanda za'ayi da sauran {You just eat to your fill. Don't worry. We'll know what to do with the remains}. You're out guest, guest din ma babban bako. Dole muyi treating dinka right {an important guest at that. We must treat you right}." Dr. Kwami opens his mouth to speak when a cute little girl of about three years rushes out, her blonde hair in a high ponytail with beads attached to it bobbing as she skips.

"Abu can you see what Yaya is trying to do? He said my hair is beautiful so he wants to braid it. And whenever I let him braid my hair, he pulls at it." Dr. Kwami chuckles, the girl is pretty and has a very beautiful English accent. He wonders what it'll sound like when she speaks Hausa.

"Su, don't you see Abu has a guest?" Said Su looks up at Dr kwami with her beautiful auburn doe eyes. She regards him curiously before bowing slightly, her head down.

"Ina kwana {good morning}." Her accent is so beautiful and cute when speaking Hausa. She turns to her father.

"He's Hausa, right?" Dr. Kwami who heard her chuckles again.

"Come." Su looks at her father and he beckons her to go with a nod.

"What's your name?"

"Sunaina but Abu calls me Su, Ami calls me Naina and Yaya calls me pig. Abu says the baby is going to call me Ada, or is it Arda? " Dr. Kwami laughs.

"You're such a cute talkative. It's Adda." Sunaina's eyes widen at the realization of something.

"Abu, your guest wears braces! Just like Jena at school!" Engineer smiles.

"His name is Uncle Aliyu." Sunaina turns to Dr. Kwami with a smile.

"I like you Uncle Aliyu. Will you take me to Nigeria and buy me lakakakobo? Ami says we'll only go to Nigeria after the baby is big. But I want to take lakakakobo." Everyone laughs and that's when a boy of about eight years comes inside.

"Abu, Ami and Pi- Naina won't let me braid Naina's hair." The boy wanted to say pig but a look from his father has him calling her by her name.

"That's because she just did her hair. You'll braid it some other time. Don't you both have an event at school today?"

"Yes Abu, but we don't want to go. It's a bake sale and Ami is having a baby. We have to go with our mother. So we'll stay here with Ami and take care of her and the baby." Engineer nods and looks at his wristwatch.

"Doctor ka fasa zuwa University of Massachusetts dinne {aren't you going to the university of Massachusetts any more}?" Dr Kwami shakes his head and stands up.

"Muje {Let's go}." They leave the house and within an hour, they're driving into the university of Massachusetts.

"Wani {which} faculty?" Dr. Kwami thinks back to his conversation with Amal on his way to the airport before speaking up.

"Faculty of management sciences." Engineer nods before he continues driving. It's some minutes to twelve and according to Dr. Kwami's calculations, Afnan should be out of the department in a few minutes.

Despite the stress he had to go through with Amal's husband, he is actually glad he got Afnan's school schedule.

"We're here." Dr. Kwami opens the car and takes the white polythene bag that's under his feet.

"Ka koma gida wajan madam {go back home to madam}. I'll find my way back." Before Engineer can argue Dr. Kwami is out and is standing in front of the faculty.

Dr. Kwami stands there, looking at his watch and by 12.13pm.a bunch of students come out in pairs, some alone and some in groups.

He continues looking around until his eyes catch a particular light skinned girl wearing a warm beige floor length Jilbaab walking together with three girls.

She looks to have gotten slimmer and fairer. But she still looks gorgeous nonetheless, like something straight from an Arabian magazine. She smiles at one of the girls before pulling out her phone.

And that's when Dr. Kwami decides to approach her.

He walks with fastened strides, eager to talk to her. He stands in front of her and with a small frown she looks up to see who is blocking her path. The three girls that are with her are drooling, literally. Their eyes are taking in every inch of Dr. Kwami's bulky form encased in a white brocade with a plain black kufi cap.

"Oh my fucking God! Who is this man Fari?" Afnan turns to the girl beside her with a frown before raising her head back to Dr Kwami sho seems to have lost some weight from her view but still looks every inch scrumptious. Okay, now she's sounding like Elena.

"No one, let's go the cafeteria. We have a class in an hour." They all sidestep him and begin to walk away but the last girl from the group winks at him and stays back.

"You can have my number." Dr. Kwami smiles apologetically at her.

"I'm only here for Farida. Thanks for the offer though." He turns to the direction Afnan is standing glaring at her friend who is now sporting a sheepish smile and he starts to walk towards her.

She doesn't walk away as he expects her to do but instead stays still glaring at her friend who's now walking towards them but is still way behind Dr. Kwami. The man has dividers for legs, so long and fast. She can't match up to his speed.

"Farida, can I talk to you in private please?" Afnan gives Dr kwami a once over. He can see her eyes drinking in his features like he's the last drop of water and she's a thirsty soldier. And although he doesn't appreciate it since that's not how she was before, he's glad she's acknowledging him.

But shockingly, she just turns with a light scoff and walks away.

Well, ouch!

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