12. Plan

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Dr. Kwami groans, shaking his head. He sits on the chair in front of the study table. They're already in the same room, alone. And he knows that the third person with them is shaytan. And he knows neither he nor Afnan are guaranteed to be able to resist shaytan's whispers. So it's better he keeps his distance.

"The things you make me do Afnan." Afnan blushes, he has never called her by her nickname, and it feels so different, so weird, beautifully weird.

"I'm so sorry for what Abba did to you the other day. He's just overprotective." Dr. Kwami smiles.

"It's okay. In Shaa Allah with time, he'll accept me. Parents are like that. I don't know mine." He smiles sadly.

"Allah ya jikansu da Rahma. They're in a better place In Shaa Allah." Dr. Kwami smiles.

"Ameen." Afnan looks down at her fingers. She feels shy saying this.

"I missed you so much doctor. I really did." Dr. Kwami tilts his head to the side, he likes this side of Afnan.

"I missed you too Afnan. I can't wait to make you mine." Afnan blushes and Dr. Kwami chuckles.

"Afnan? Keh da waye ne?" Afnan widens her eyes. She has totally forgotten that her parents and cousin are in the house too. She looks at Dr. Kwami who is mirroring her expression.

"Come here." Afnan whispers to Dr. Kwami. She leads him to the bathroom and once he's in, she locks it. She schools her expression and tries to calm her rampaging heart. She adjusts her hijab and heads to the door.

She's glad her cousin is the type that respects privacy. If she was at home, her mother would've opened the door already. But Afrah is still standing by the door, waiting for permission to enter. And to say it's her house and she knows the door is open. Considering the fact that the key was on the outside, she definitely knew the door was open.

Afnan opens the door with a small smile on her place.

"Naji kaman magana kike." Afnan shakes her head.

"I was practicing for my presentation ne." Afrah nods understandably.

"Toh, come down. Abba wants to talk to you." Afnan nod and Afrah waddles away. Her bump is really making it hard for her to walk normally.

Afnan hurriedly pulls the key off the back of the door and slams the door close. She closes her eyes, wincing as the impact resonated in her ears, making a sudden headache make an appearance.

She inserts the key into the keyhole and twists it twice. The two clicks that indicate that the door is actually locked don't convince her enough, she can't take any risks. So she twists the knob and when the door does not open, she sighs, leaning her back on the door.

She needs to get Dr. Kwami out of the house, fast. If Abba somehow finds out he's in the house, he's definitely going to have her head on a platter. And she can kiss her dreams of having a future with Dr. Kwami goodbye.

Afnan hurries to the bathroom and opens it.

"You can come out." Afnan says peeping into the bathroom.

Dr. Kwami's head comes out first, followed by his whole body.

"I should get going Farida." Afnan nods.

"Wait, I haven't told you what I called you here for." Dr. Kwami looks at her expectantly.

"I have a plan on how we can make Abba accept you. Ammi has already accepted you." Dr. Kwami shakes his head.

"Farida, this isn't necessary. I can wait till you're done with school. It's a matter of less than four years. I can wait." Afnan shakes her head.

"I'm not willing to take that risk. What if you see another girl that piques your interest? Or you get bored of me?" Hurt covers Dr. Kwami's face.

"Farida, you don't realize how much I love you, do you? You're it for me Farida. I don't want to ever hear you say that I'll get bored of you, or I'll leave you. I love you fisabilillah. I want you to be my present and future. And nothing you say or do will change that fact. This man is all yours, if it's not you, then it's no one." Afnan wipes the lone tear that managed to escape from her eye.

She wants to tell him she loves him more, and tell him that she's just scared of anything that will come between them. But she doesn't, because she can't seem to voice it out. So she maintains eye contact, letting her eyes do the talking for her.

"Can I go, my love?" Afnan blushes, lowering her head.

"You didn't listen to my plan." Dr. Kwami sighs.

"I'm willing to wait Farida." Afnan shakes her head.

"I don't want to wait. If you love me you'll hear me out." Dr. Kwami sighs. He hates it when girls use that line.

"I'm all ears." Afnan sighs. Here goes nothing. She hopes he doesn't judge her.

"Abba won't let us get married. So if he has no other choice than to get us married, he'll have to." Dr. Kwami furrows his brows. What is she hinting at?

"What I'm trying to say is that, if I'm pregnant with your child, Abba will have no other choice than to let us get married. He's highly respected in the family. And he wouldn't want people to say that his daughter got pregnant out of wedlock." Dr. Kwami looks at Afnan as though she has grown two head. He opens his mouth to say something, but he comes up with nothing so he closes his mouth.

Afnan has her head lowered, looking at him from the corner of her eyes ever so stealthily. And his expression is making her sweat.

Dr. Kwami looks at her expecting her to laugh in his face and say something like got you or something. But her mirthless expression is what he sees.

"Amma lafiyanki dai koh?" Dr. Kwami finally talks.

Is it just me or are we all disappointed in Afnan? Let's hope Dr. Kwami doesn't agree. See y'all next week.

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