6. Getting To Know Him

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Dr. Kwami smiles, his braces glistening under the night light at the message. He doesn't know if texting her now is a good idea. So he decides to let it be till it's morning.

He prays his isha prayers and gets ready for bed. But when he lies down, despite being in the hospital since after Zuhr, he doesn't seem to be able to fall asleep. It's as if all the tiredness of the day has disappeared.

The night seems to drag on as he awaits morning. He can't sleep, the excitement of talking to the love of his life giving him the right dose of adrenaline he needs.

When he hears the call to Subh, he stands up and prays tahajjud, praying to Allah that only khair comes from the time he'll spend with Afnan.

Three hours later he has his hand in hand, fingers hovering over his keyboard. He had the evening shift yesterday so he's not going to work till later in the night, as he's having the night shift today. And for the first time, he is actually glad it's a night shift he has.

Sabahul Khayr {good morning} Farida.

He hits send and awaits her response.

Afnan who has been awaiting Dr. Kwami's response since yesterday when she sent him his reply, jumps at the sound of a message coming in. Her sisters look at her weirdly but she has other things to worry about. If it's MTN again she's giving up.

Her face breaks into a smile at the message.

Sabahun noor {morning} doctor.

She sends back and he replies seconds later.

How was your night? Sorry, did i wake you up?

She chuckles at him and types her reply.

No doctor, I've been awake since Subh. My night was fine Alhamdulillah {all praise be to Allah}. How was yours?

After sending it she realizes how formal she's being. They need to be free around each other if they want to spend the rest of their lives together.

I couldn't sleep, I kept waiting for morning to come as I couldn't wait to talk to a certain person.

She blushes at the realization that he's talking about her. Deciding to play ignorant, she types her reply.

And who is this? I bet they must be special.

His response takes sometime and when it comes in, she has to hide away from her sister's prying eyes so they don't see the prominent red colored all over her face. And he claims to be bad with words.

Her name is Farida, a very meek, shy and beautiful girl. I barely know her but she has taken my heart and soul with her. Her face lives in my head rent free. The first time I saw her, those big doe eyes glassy and looking up every now and then, fingers fiddling and lashes wet, I fell for her. One can call it love at first sight. I don't even know how to get started on how much I love her. I'm bad with words.

This Farida must be very lucky.

Afnan bites her lip as she sends her reply.

She isn't, I'm the lucky one. To have her steal my heart, I'm more than honored.

Afnan looks at the message for some seconds, unable to come up with a suitable response. What is she to tell this man that's threatening to make her fall and break in his love?

Can i call you?

Afnan looks around, noting that her sisters have left.


Almost immediately her phone vibrates in her hand and she can't help looking around again to he sure that no one is around. She doesn't hesitate to pick anymore.

"Assalamu Alaikum {peace be unto you} Farida." Afnan smiles, though she's sure he can't see her. His voice sounds deeper than it normally did, she notices.

"Ameen wa alaikas salam wa rahmatullah {peace and blessings be upon you too} doctor." silence reigns for some seconds before Dr. Kwami speaks up.

"I'm bad at starting up conversations, and I'm even worse at phone calls." he chuckles. The sound makes something move in her so she closes her eyes and relish it, storing it in her head and the effect it has on her.

"Trust me I'm worse." Afnan giggles and Dr. Kwami hums.

"Your laugh is beautiful." Now Afnan releases a short laugh.

"That wasn't a laugh doctor, more like a giggle." Dr. Kwami hums again.

"Whatever it is, it's beautiful. I would love to keep being the reason for this sound beings created." Afnan blushes, looking for words to say.

"Why don't we continue texting instead? I think I'm making you uncomfortable with my morning voice. It's kind of deep." he chuckles again and she hums.

No! Don't end the call, I love your voice when it's deep, she wanted to say but instead says "Okay."

They end the call and go back to texting.

Within two hours, Afnan has found out that Dr. Kwami is an only child and his parents are dead. He lives alone in an apartment and his uncle is his only relative that is still alive. His extended family is very small.

She also found out that he has a thing for ladies on Hijabs, the full one that covers a person from head to toe, sometimes leaving a trail. He also doesn't wear jeans, it's either Kaftan, button ups, joggers, jalabiya or suits.

Dr. Kwami found out Afnan is the last of four children, three girls and one boy. Their brother is married to their long distance cousin and her elder sister, Fatima's best friend with a daughter, Hidaya. While her two sisters are getting married in one week's time.

He also found out that she will be eighteen in three months time, but she's already in university in her fresher's year.

It's safe to say that they both are now sure that they are with the right people, and they are willing to spend the rest of their lives together.

But for now, they'd stick to courting in private.

I think we're getting somewhere, right?

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