14. Submission

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Afnan sighs as she she sits in the car. Today, she's going to put an end to the nonsense that is her relationship with Dr. Kwami. Since he can't do anything to have her and ensure their togetherness, she sees no point in having him with her. She's going to cut the last string that's holding them together.

"Small hajiya, mun iso." Afnan looks around and true to the driver's words, they are in her parent's house. She throws him a fake smile and walks out. She looks around and both her father's and her mother's cars are all in sight. She's in luck today. She's going to get everything over and done with today.

She takes the small steps that lead up the foyer and goes straight to the sitting room. The sight she meets has her lowering her head in shyness. She has never seen her parents being so cuddly and all over each other. But today, here they are.

Abba is laying down on the couch in just his jalabiya. And Innayo is laying atop him, her head on his chest and her hands are holding his torso. One of Abba's hands is around Innayo's waist and the other is combing through her hair with his fingers. Their legs are twisted in a pretzel.

"Nikam fah kar ka tsinka min gashi." Innayo says, her voice playful.

"Toh bah gashi na bane? Ai ke ma tawa ce, kenan gashinki ma nawa ne." Innayo hides her face in his chest making him chuckle deeply.

"Ka daina zolaya na." Abba chuckles again and removes his fingers from her hair. He smoothens it before he kisses it.

Afnan can't resist awwing silently. This is the kind of love she needs. The eighties, mind boggling, platonic, beautiful and heart gripping kind of love where money, beauty, status and every other materialistic thing doesn't matter. The kind of love where you can trust your partner whole heartedly. The kind of love where you respect your partner's choices and will always consider them. The kind of love where parting ways is never an option. The kind of love where two hearts, bodies, souls and minds are joined into one.

She could've provided Dr. Kwami with that type of love, probably even better than any he would've ever seen in movies or novels. But he messed his chance up.

She clears her throat, making her mother jump off her father like she has been zapped with a current one million volts. She quickly grabs her scarf and messily wraps it around her head.

Thank goodness she's wearing a silk gown and not pallazo as Abba had requested. She wouldn't have known how to face her daughter. Even now she'll take some time before she'll be able to relate with her daughter again after finding her in such an intimate position. Ugh, curse the fulani blood in her. If not for it, she wouldn't have been shy about this. After all, what she did isn't haram. It's totally halal and it's even sunnah to play with your spouse.

"Ah ahn, Afnan. Bismillah karaso mana." Innayo glares at her husband from her peripheral vision. He should've let them do everything in the room but he said he's missed the days before Fatima was born. Sa'eed was a quiet baby so cuddling wasn't a problem.

"Bah kina da makaranta yau bah?" Afnan nods.

"Toh ya akayi." Afnan gulps, lowering her head.

"Abba, Ammi, I'm sorry. I disobeyed you all in the name of love. I didn't know Doctor was like that. I trusted him. I thought Abba was just being overprotective as usual. People are right when they say, what an elder can see while sitting, a youngster can't even if they climb an iroko tree. Ku yafe min." Abba reaches out for his daughter and hugs her.

"I'm glad you realized your mistake. We love you Afnanu na, and that's why I was trying to protect you at all costs. Men aren't to be trusted. No one will tell you this if not us your parents. Allah ya miki albarka." Innayo mutters Ameen in unison with Afnan.

"And Abba, idan zai yiwu, I don't want to study in Nigeria anymore. He knows my school and everything I'm afraid. Kar watarana yazo ya dauke ni. And I actually need some time away from this country." Abba thinks for a while. He also kind of thought of it. But he didn't want to force her. After all, she has only left Nigeria thrice all her life. Leaving to a whole new country to school might take a toll on her and he doesn't want that.

"Zanyi shawara da mamanku. I'll let you know what we decide. But for now, continue going to school din." Afnan nods, knowing she has already won. There's no shawara. Her father will just tell Innayo and she'll tell him that whatever he decides is best. She knows how her parents work with each other more than she knows herself. Afterall, she's always around them - perks of being the last born.

"Here is your plane ticket, your domiciliary account card and everything you need. Once you get there, call me. Accommodation dinki da transport has been covered. Afnan aji tsoron Allah. Kar ki bari waji baturen banza da bah aurenshi zakiyi bah ya rude ki. I'm taking you there to study. Banda kawayen banza." Abba continues to advice Afnan while Innayo simply looks at her. When he's done, he gets up and goes to his room. Her flight is a 6am flight, he knows there will barely be any time for advices, so it's better he gets it over and done with.

"Afnan, dubeni." Afnan looks at her mother.

"Are you sure of your decision?" Afnan nods. Even if she isn't, there's no going back now. Everything has already been finalized.

"Don't do something in a spite of anger. Don't make a hasty decision when you're so full of emotions Afnan." Afnan keeps quiet. She has already made up her mind.

She wants to be far away from Dr. Kwami, so that he won't ever be able to find her. Then, he might realize the gravity of what he has done. She has promised to show Dr. Kwami the gravity of what he's done. And if submitting to her father's silent whims is the only way to do it, then she's more than willing to risk it.

It's less than thirty minutes until Saturday is over but it's still Saturday so yay!

How was the chapter? Don't you think Afnan is overreacting?

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