3. Proposal

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Innayo is getting discharged today and Afnan has been left in charge of gathering their things which are in the hospital. She has packed everything and has taken them to the car. Just as the car is brought to life, Afnan tells them to wait.

"What is it?" Abba says irritatedly.

"I forgot my charger and toiletries."

"Are you seriously going to continue using those toiletries?" Fatima asks annoyed.

"No, but I don't think it's safe leaving them here. You know the world isn't what it was, one has to be very careful about everything. Someone might just use those against me."

"Please go and get them. And don't waste time." Fatima says as she turns the key backwards.

Afnan says an apologetic okay and walks out then into the hospital. She goes to the room and sees that it's being cleaned. After greeting the cleaner, she enters the bathroom and takes her toiletries.

She bids the cleaner goodbye and walks out of the room.

"Farida." Afnan halts in her steps. She will recognize that voice anywhere. But when she remembers how he was flirting with Amal yesterday, she continues to walk. She hears someone jogging behind her and in a matter of seconds, Dr. Kwami is beside her.

He is wearing green scrubs, his surgery cap is still on and the gloves on his hands have blood and what looks like pus in it.

"Farida I need to talk to you. It's very important."

"If it is about Ammi's health, Adda Nana will come with Ammi for the follow-up. Any other thing isn't important." Afnan quickens her steps and Dr. Kwami is also quick to follow.

People keep giving them weird glances but luckily for Dr. Kwami, he's wearing his surgical mask so it'll be hard for people to recognize him.

They both reach a place that has not much people and Dr. Kwami hurries and blocks Afnan's path.

"Doctor, please excuse me."

"Farida just please listen to me." Dr. Kwami beseechs and Afnan sighs.

Much to Afnan's surprise, he goes on his knees and sighs.

"Farida, I know this isn't the right time or place for this, but love doesn't mind time or place, it happens without your consent, without seeking for permission." He sighs again.

"And just like that, you have stolen my breath, my heart, my dreams, my thoughts, you're everywhere Farida. Throughout the small time you've been here, the small time I've known you, I've fallen for you, hard, and even though I've tried to tame my heart, it doesn't want to listen to me. I'm afraid something bad will happen to me, if I don't let you know. I'm slowly losing my mind." He keeps quiet for a beat, awaiting her reaction. When none comes, he continues.

"Farida, I know I look stupid, but I'd be anything for you. I'm willing to get married to you right now." Afnan doesn't know how to react, she's happy, elated even, that at least her feelings are reciprocated. But she'd be wasting both their time if she agrees to this foul play. Yes, foul play because there can never be a 'them', in this life or the next.

"Excuse me please, doctor." Afnan moves. Dr. Kwami notices the shake in her voice. She sounds like she wants to cry.

"Farida please, I know you love me. And I'm telling you that I love you too. What's better than that? I can go meet your parents now and we'll start making preparations for our marriage. I want you to be mine. I want to seek Jannah with you. I want to..." Afnan shakes her head. He wouldn't get it. He doesn't understand.

"And who told you I love you?" Dr. Kwami feels his heart splitting in two and then being cracked into tiny indivisible pieces at her question. Even Afnan herself is shocked at what she has said but she can't take it back now. The deed has been done. And she'll have to make do with that.

"Why do you look so surprised? I never told you I love you, did I? Please, by all means, abolish that thought of us being together. It's not going to happen. Not now, not ever." Dr. Kwami doesn't understand what's going on. What is she saying?

"Excuse me, my parents are waiting for me. Have a nice day, and a nice life too." And she walks away leaving him kneeling brokenly.

Have a nice day, he almost laughs at the irony. She just literally ruined his day. And she's even asking him to have a nice life. How will his life be nice without her in it? He gets up and dusts his knees with a kerchief then walks to the changing room.

So much for literally running out of the OT only to get his heart shattered. He literally tears the surgical gown off him and dumps it in the trash can.

Afnan increases her walking pace as she feels her eyes fill once again with tears. No! She won't cry! She did what she did because that is the only way she can do it. She can't have any man on her case right now. Her father would kill him and kill her.

It would even be so irresponsible of her and unthoughtful. She's just in her first year in university studying accounting, and she knows her father's rules, so why will she even take the risk? Is anything worth disobedience to parents? Absolutely nothing is.

"Why did you take so long?" Fatima asks irritatedly.

Afnan whips her head up. She hasn't even realized that she has reached the car.

"Get in, let's go." Afnan slips into the front seat and Fatima drives out of the hospital.

Throughout the day, Dr. Kwami isn't able to accomplish anything good, she zones out twice in one surgery and his superior, Dr. Smith advices him to go home and take the day off.

As for Afnan, she just sits herself in her room, thinking about the one hundred and one ways they could work. How she and Dr. Kwami can attempt to convince Abba, her father. She knows that Innayo won't have a problem with it, her Ammi will infact be very delighted and will welcome the idea.

But her Abba, her father wouldn't even listen to her. But she's desperate and in love, what can she do?

She's even shocked at how she easily fell in love, it was so sudden and fast. And even with a knife to her neck, she won't be able to explain how it happened.

Night time soon comes and Afnan is prepared to go to sleep. After saying her du'as, her phone pings. She furrows her brows and taps on the screen, in response, the screen comes on.

No matter what you say, no matter how many hurtful things you haul at me, I'll still love you Farida. I love you.

Forever and always yours, Dr. Aliyu Usman Kwami.

Involuntarily, tears start to cascade down her cheeks. He doesn't seem to understand that this small things he does hurt her, knowing that she can't be with him.

A thought occurs to her, what if he's willing to wait for her? She laughs lowly at her ridiculous thoughts. Someone that said he doesn't mind if they get married immediately, then how would he be willing to wait for her.

She spurns the possibility of the thought materializing and falls asleep, drifting into a land where a them is possible, where there's nobody. Just her and her handsome doctor with braces and rimmed glasses.

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