Slumbing back into the cold leather seat I can't help but look out the windows,- my old home the same one I ran away from.
I chuckle in my head at how the universe works the same place I ran away from at the age of 18 is the same place I come crawling back to.

I hated this place, this is the place where I left the old me behind the girl that couldn't stand up for her self
the girl that took people shit and did nothing about it
the girl that allowed her father to beat her and never asked for help.

I left that girl behind here yet all the memories come reeling back in as my hands starts trembling on my thighs. I will myself to calm down and breath.

A stay tear glides down my face as I keep looking out the window allowing all the dark thoughts to come reelin back in. Until I can't no more as the cab stops letting me know I have arrived.

I pay the man wishing him a good rest of his day as I make my way into the beautiful hotel. Showing the front desk my reservation of my phone they immediately take my luggage escorting me my room. Room 2871.

The 28th floor I loved heights and being hight up always brought peace to my soul knowing I'm closer to the sky.

The room was beautiful, walking in the first thing I see is a large window a beautiful view of the city across from the window is a large kind size mattress followed my a wooden bench. But it's their that I stop and shriek in surprise as I spot a gorgeous balcony with a beautiful small glass table followed my a deck out soft looking sofa.

Spinning on my heels, my feet moving on their own accord as they make their way to the balcony I breath in the fresh air sitting on the sofa and forgetting about all my problems.

As I reach my hand out for the sky in hope to just leave this world forever that is until my phone's starts blaring trough my suit.

Getting up huffing out in annoyance I grab my phone of the night stand picking it up to only be met with a screaming Anthony.
He sounds pissed and enraged as he keeps screaming at me about my where abouts finally after a while I'm able to calm him down so I could actually speak.

"I'm fine Anthony" I speak into the phone as a sound of relief escapes his dramatic lips.

Theirs a moment of silence between us before he speaks next, "what the fuck Ali you can't just leave like that" he breathes out tiredly "I've been calling you for the pass 3 hours".

Opening my phone I see 38 missed calls from him. Damn
"I'm sorry I'm just taking some time of for my self" lie,"il be away for a couple of months," yet we both know how much I needed that.

I hear ruffling from the other end of phone before he speaks again, "what bout the firm Ali" he ask his voice sounding a bit concerned.

We both knew how much work it took me to officially own that firm, I was one of Nyc Best lawyers yet I never received or won that title. They put me under many others because of my race so for that being I only just made the top ten.

No matter how hard I worked they some how always had a place to put a white old man above me. The same ones that would grope and touch younger woman without their permission and consent, and the ones that did stand up for themselves their where fired right their on the spot.

I couldn't care less about that firm because even though I was the boss and controled how things operated there was always a higher one. One just waiting for me to mess up so he or she could replace me.

INNOCENCE || 18+ [on hold]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon