5 || Gone

55 1 0


Song: SZA (Broken clocks)

"Get up! Get up Get the fuck up!!"

I immediately bult up in bed at the sound of yelling in my ears, I turned my tired body on my bed while rubbing the slumber out my eyes.
But once I turn I Immediately regret it as I'm faced with my Furious father I jump out of bed like it's my second nature, y-yes father I ask as I wince my eyes closed hating how I stirred these type of 'weak' things as he said is what's gonna get me killed.

He looks me up and down in disgust as the next words that come out of his mouth make my body freeze, " Hurry up. to the basement now." I grew to hate that place and another one that existed, I was tired of getting brushed and getting called weak and pathetic I was always told I was to Innocent that I was a lost dear that don't know the world.

And after year of rejection that I just came to learn and accept the failure that I am. He walks up to me to grab me by my arm as he drags me downstairs, and I beg and beg him yet my cries fall upon deft ears.

The blood in my body leaves me as my eyes fall upon Vanessa, my father girlfriend. I hated how he did that to mom, I hated how he treated her and made her feel. I remember her cries as she wished she would have never met my father. Yet there was nothing I could do about but comfort her. why? because I'm nothing but a lost dear in a cruel world just waiting to get killed.


"No no no no" this can't be happening, please God please, no no no no, I cry out pacing back and forth in my room. More tears leave my eyes as I think of how this happened. How this could have happened, who let this happened.

My years of work, my running away leaving mom and dad, me leaving Niya it's all for nothing, it was all for nothing. It was completely incompetent, completely meaningless completely useless and a complete a waste of my life.

It's gone, I sight out in disbelief, everything is gone. All the money I made and saved up over the years my millions, there all gone.
I lay on the floor crying thinking how everything I did was for nothing, thinking who and how this happened.

Who robbed me? and why? I've been nothing but good, why do bad things always happend to good people?

I lay there just thinking lost in my tears and sorrow, how Bubble headed could I have been to only save ten thousand in cash. This is Los Angeles I won't be able to even survive more than 3 weeks with that money.

I'm gonna die, I'm not gonna make it, father was right about me, my weakness and everything. I would say I had a decent childhood yet it's filled with pros and cons, most times were good and happy times it's just that three percent out of ten that lowers it so low.

That simple little three out of ten was often caused by my father, some days he would be happy and joyful then the next he would beat me saying that it's for my own good. That those beatings would teach me how to defend myself in life, that I'm to weak and Innocent.

That i'm prey, and I will always be.

Yet I always felt like they would hurt mom more, I remember the looks on her face when I would come back bruised. The pain, hurt, disbelief. I could see it on her face that she would do anything to switch places with me, that she would take those hits for me, yet she couldn't because father would never lay a finger on her no, He would just find other ways to hurt her.

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