3 || Runaway

58 1 1



Song: PARTYNEXTDOOR- belong to the city (remix) Ft. Drake


I woke up to the sound of the city and the sun blaring down on my face trough my windows. I must have forgotten to close them last night.

Squinting my eyes open, I peer around the room only stopping once I see my opened laptop.

The sun was bright and I could make out the faint noises as I look out towards the window. Looking outside my eyes fall on a little girl happily skipping with what seems to be both her grandparents at her sides, both holding atleast 4 bags each of things definitely meant for her.

To them it was a nice summer morning and had the memories of last night not come reeling in, I would have agreed.

I try clearing my throat but all that comes out is a painfully dry screech. Another reminder that the pain I felt last night was real.

I throw my sore limps off the sofa and stand only to wince and grab into the wall for support, while the soreness in my stomach

Leaving the living room I get into my shower scrubbing away all the dirt on my skin and washing away all my tears.

And it was when I stepped out of the shower and stared in the mirror at the girl before me that I saw it.

Her red swollen eyes- dull and so warn out
Her hollow cheeks- empty and so lifeless And
Her sore aching body- Beat up and brushed.
Her fake cover up- tired of pretending.

The sight of her was horrific and that only srached the surface of what she was feeling inside.

I decided I didn't want anything to do with that girl, she was weak, broken, a coward and too soft. And the only time she was strong is when she pretended to me to just get by in this horrific world.

A girl that was missing her other half.

And that's all it took for me to leave my bathroom and into my closet.

And all it took for me to grab my most important belongings and stuff them into my suitcase, my baking and cookbooks, my art supplies, my phone, my pills for my panic attacks, my inhaler and a big chunk of clothes that should last me atleast 3 weeks.

I had seven million dollars to my name, enought money to disappeare and still live a beautiful life. So that's what I did I booked my plane ticket for LA leaving my 2 bedroom penthouse to go bord my plane in less than 2 hours.

Not even looking back at the place I forced myself to call home.
A place where I felt empty and alone and a place where people only treated me like shit.

Yet feafear still erupted in my stomach knowing I'm going back their, back to the place I only knew. My old home.


Grabbing my heavy luggage as I'm exiting the airport the warm familiar California wind hits me passing through my body. My body immediately tenses.

It looked the same from the last time I was here nothing different the same beautiful palm threes the extremely warm weather and people up and about and the odd ones here and their jogging and working out.

Getting into the yellow cab the driver immediate greets me asking for my destination, I give it to him my voice breaking a little as more fear settles in.

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