Meanwhile, with Everyone Else...

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I suppose that by now all of you just might be wondering about a few of the loose ends that were leftover, such as Elsa, what happened with Anna's fiancé, Hans, and just how the kingdom fared following the end of the spontaneous winter and the resurrection of the summer, and so on and so forth. Well, rest assured that I shall tell all of you in due time.

I guess I shall start off regarding the thirteenth prince of the Southern Isles, Hans. He was returned to his own kingdom to deal with there for his heinous crimes as his twelve older brothers saw fit. I know, thirteenth child in the royal family of the Southern Isles with twelve older brothers. What were the odds of that being a possibility, never mind being very responsible of the king and queen of the Southern Isles, at all? As the truth about him came out back during the eternal winter out on the fjord, he never actually loved Anna at all to begin with and had only wanted to marry her to gain access to the throne of Arendelle just because he was nothing but thirteenth in line in his own kingdom and was really aiming for Elsa because she was the heir to the throne. But then, I guess that was all before deciding she would be too difficult to woo for being quiet and collected. So, I suppose that upon seeing just how willing and open to falling in love Anna was, he decided to shoot for the younger sister instead and kill the queen-to-be and becoming the king through his marriage to Anna. I had to admit that I would not have been all that surprised if Hans had not just up and decided to kill Anna in addition to Elsa, just based upon the fact that he intentionally left her to freeze to death by itself. Being a manipulative jerk-face would have been putting it surprisingly too kindly and mildly when describing Prince Hans. If I were to state my real opinion on Hans' true colors once they were revealed to the public in Arendelle, I think that it would just offend a few people too many.

As for Elsa and the kingdom of Arendelle, both of them sort of tie in together since the snow queen was finally loved and accepted by everyone for everything she was. After I had done some thinking about it, it was probably most likely what she had wanted for the longest time since being locked away, just as her sister, Anna, was all those years. I suppose that the reality of it was that in spite of having been the cause of the eternal winter, Elsa had actually been the one who had suffered the worse than the rest of the Arendellians all while the kingdom's gates had remained closed. Just as her sister, Anna, had done with her own heart along with Elsa's, the snow queen mended the damaged areas in and around Arendelle with her fantastic ice powers and rebuilt the kingdom's royal palace. She even created an ice rink within the palace's courtyard and opened it to anybody and everybody. The palace gates were never once closed again and Queen Elsa ruled with a firm, but loving hand for her entire reign.

Of course, I had eventually asked Anna to marry me with a ring and everything. That, however, is a story for another time. No, it was not a singular-day marriage like that of which Hans had tried to have with her. How was it not a one-day marriage? Granted that I did kind of hint at the two of us not getting hitched after just a single day when I had said that it was a story for another time. Sven and his newest friend, Olaf, the snowman, just continued to live as happily as ever at the castle and remain as good of friends as my reindeer companion was with me. And because of having his own personal flurry of snow curtesy of the queen, herself, Olaf made enjoying even the summer months look like a piece of cake, even while being made entirely of snow, the very essence of winter, itself.

So, there you have it. You have finally learnt how even a loner mountain man like yours truly, who hated almost all manner of humanity, met an amazingly fantastic girl despite the very idea of it being the absolute last thing on my mind. I had even helped her end the eternal winter her own formerly unstably frightened sister had wrought forth and bring back the glorious summer.

I know that I said ice was my life a few times or so throughout the story, and believe me when I say that it still was my life. It was just that I had finally learnt just what the other ice harvesters had always meant when they called ice dangerous, powerful and cold in addition to being beautiful. Even after all of the pain it brought onto me throughout my life, I still could not find it within myself to look at ice with resentful disdain instead of loving fascination. Were it not for Anna, I never would have realized that people were pretty much just like ice in certain ways. They came in all different shapes, sizes and forms and more often than not at all came with a dark side that did not make them any less beautiful to look at. Anna just up and showed me over the course of the story that like ice, people were also an icy force both foul and fair with a frozen heart worth mining. It was just that some people were a lot more so than others. Some people tried to be worth mining, but at least they put in the effort for which to be as worth mining as ice was. There were even a few people who, at certain times, tried for which as worth mining as ice was a little too hard for their own good. You just needed to help those kinds of people along with their endeavors for which becoming worth mining.

Granted that Anna, Elsa, Olaf, Sven and I still had more adventures to come during all of our time together. But just as I had said about having eventually married Anna for real, all of those adventures are stories for another day. 

This Icy Force Both Foul and Fair Has a Frozen Heart Worth MiningWhere stories live. Discover now