A Random, Extremely Bizarre Blizzard

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Thirteen long years after Sven and I followed those people and were adopted by the trolls, things started getting really super crazy, even for me. I had not even thought about that event for the last thirteen years and completely forgot about it. What I did not realize about today, however, was that today was the day that night would come back to my mind and slap me right across the face. 

I had to go into Arendelle City on this particular day because today was the day I was completely going to pay off my new sled. After that, it would be completely and totally mine. No more debts, no more payments, just me, Sven and my new sled. 

The streets were unusually crowded today, and the docks were filling up fast with foreign ships belonging to different dignitaries from practically every country one could imagine. This was all because today was also the coronation of the new queen of Arendelle. Everybody in town was so excited because today, they were opening up the gates for the first time in thirteen years. Why did they close the gates ever since Sven and I were taken in by the trolls? I did not know why they closed the gates to the palace that same day, but it was not like it had anything to do with that event in my life, or so I ignorantly believed. 

I did not actually care much for the coronation, though. There would be too many people for my taste. Parties? Not exactly my kind of thing. I just came into Arendelle City to finally pay off my sled for the last time. Nothing else mattered at the moment. After that, Sven and I would be on our way to work. 

Still though, with everyone in town so happy about the coronation, I could not help but smile a bit about it, myself. Especially considering I was finally going to own my sled completely, I was as giddy as a drunk. Sven and I stopped at the docks waiting for Erick, the man from whom I had purchased the sled, to show up. As I watched the May Pole rise, Sven nudged my elbow with his muzzle, and I turned to look at him. "What do you want, Sven?" I asked him, even when I already knew what my best friend since I was seven wanted. I could already see it by the look in his eyes. 

I changed my voice to speak for him. "Give me a snack." 

I took out a carrot and held out for him. "What's the magic word?" I reminded him. 

I changed my voice for him, once again. "Please." Then, Sven immediately jumped up and grabbed the whole thing. "Uh, uh, uh, uh. Share," I reprimanded him, but in a kind, gentle manner. We always shared carrots with one another. It was even how we befriended one another from the start of our friendship. He quickly spat the carrot back out and took a much smaller bite. I took the rest of it and then took a bite of it, myself. 

"Kristoff," I heard from behind me. I turned around to see that it was Erick. I saw him approaching the two of us. He stopped beside me and pulled out a scroll from his satchel. He began to study his scroll closely. "Hmm, yes," he said after thirty seconds to a minute. I handed him a bag of money I pulled from out of my pocket. "Ah, your last payment. Thank you, my boy, I nearly forgot about that," he said. Even if he was getting on in years, I did not know if it was supposed to be a joke or not. "Everything seems to be in order. Congratulations, Kristoff. The sled is finally yours," he told me. 

I was very happy that the sled was finally mine. "Thank you very much, Erick. I'll take extra good care of it, I promise," I told him, expressing my gratitude. After that, Erick headed back to his home. "You don't need any help walking home, do you, Erick?" I asked him. 

However, Erick was determined to get home on his own, even if he was an old man. "Nonsense. I can walk twice the distance it is from here to my house," he told me. "I might not be as spry as I was when I was your age, Kristoff, but I've still got some fight left in me," he said. 

"Tell Arielle, Melodia and the grandkids I said hi," I told him just before he was out of both earshot and sight. 

It was a good day for Sven and me so far. The sled I had worked so hard to pay off was officially mine, it was a fairly warm day even in the mountains, and the workload was short on ice harvesters since practically almost every one of them had gone to the coronation to which I was not opposed in any way, shape or form. It just meant more ice for those of us who stuck around, no skin off my back. 

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