Yes, I DID Forget My Deal With Her!

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Yes, if you must know the answer to one thing about me as of late, I definitely HAD forgotten all about the deal Anna made to me by that moment about replacing my sled. Pfft, what exactly was a sled when the sled was compared to Anna and her bubbly beyond comparison personality, gorgeous blue eyes, and that cute little smattering of freckles all across her nose and those beautiful rosy cheeks? The fact that I had absolutely nothing left except for the clothes on my back was not even capable of finding its way into my brain as I just trudged further and further towards the mountains with my head down the whole way back. 

I was completely numb to everything around me as I just kept walking. Of course, my legs were moving as I walked on, but I could not actually tell whether or not I was fully aware of it. I only continued to stare forward blankly as I moved forward with Sven tailing me every step of the way. All I could even think about the whole way there was Anna and whether or not she would make it through her own frozen heart. 

This Icy Force Both Foul and Fair Has a Frozen Heart Worth MiningDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora