Grandpabbie Explains Anna's Condition

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Anna suddenly began to collapse. "Anna!" I said as she began to fall. Before she could fall over, however, I caught her in my arms. She was quite literally ice cold. What the hey was going on with her? "She's as cold as ice," I said in alarm. 

That was right about when all of the trolls suddenly separated from one another to make way for a single rock rolling straight towards us. Then, the rock unfolded itself right in front of me and Anna. It was Grandpabbie. "There is strange magic here," he said. 

It was a good thing when he showed up, too. "Grandpabbie," I said, grateful to him as soon as he came. 

Then, he held out his hands to touch Anna. "Come, come, bring her here to me," he told me. I did as he said and helped Anna move carefully towards him. She was barely conscious as she went over to him. Finally, he took her hands in his own to feel about for what was wrong with her. "Anna, your life is in danger," he said. "There is ice in your heart put there by your sister. If not removed, to solid ice will you freeze forever," Grandpabbie finished his explanation of Anna's condition on a grim note. 

"What?" Anna asked him as though she found it hard to believe. "No." 

"But, you can remove it, right?" I asked him in hope. 

"I cannot," he replied sadly. "If it was her head, that would be easy, but only an act of true love will thaw a frozen heart." 

"An act of true love?" Anna repeated as a question, just barely conscious. 

"A true love's kiss, perhaps," Bulda suggested. 

That was when she, her husband, Cliff, and all of the other trolls kissed one another for effect and to demonstrate Bulda's suggestion. 

An act of true love? A true love's kiss? Well, I knew that I certainly was not her true love. As much as I had grown to admire her spirit and determination, she was in love with someone else. If I took her back to Arendelle, however, she would be gone and out of my life forever. 

She suddenly collapsed into my arms as even more of her once fiery red hair turned white upon her collapsing. She shivered only a mere second afterwards. I held onto her as she collapsed. I did not know what I could do about it, but what I did know was that I definitely had to do something. 

I really wanted to help her, which was the only thing that mattered to me at all. I just wanted her safe once again. She needed that true love's kiss which in turn meant... her prince. She needed a kiss from her beloved Hans. I swore on both of my birth parents' graves that I would have done whatever it took to save her, no matter what needed to be done. I could not have cared less that I probably would never see her again, all that really mattered was saving her from her frozen heart. 

"Anna, we've got to get you back to Hans," I told her. 

"Hans," Anna repeated his name weakly to me, nodding slightly as she had. 

I looked up towards Sven. "Pull us out, Sven," I told him. He let me grab onto his right antler as I held Anna tightly in my arms. Then, he hoisted me out of the pit with Anna still shivering in my arms. I continued holding onto her as I held her whole body in my arms. Then, I brought her onto Sven's back as I, myself, climbed onto him. "Olaf, come on," I called out to the pudgy, little snowman who was still busy mingling with the troll children. 

"I'm coming," he told me as soon as he heard me. Then, he grabbed onto Sven's tail and jumped on his back to join us on the next step of our journey. "Let's go kiss Hans!" the little guy shouted then paused, realizing that he did not actually know about whom he was talking. "Who is this Hans?" Olaf asked me. 

That was just the question now, was it not? This Hans was somebody we had to get to very fast. And someone who could hopefully save Anna's life... because I did not even want to think about what would happen to me if she had died. 

This Icy Force Both Foul and Fair Has a Frozen Heart Worth MiningWhere stories live. Discover now