Blizzards Frozen in Time and Flashbacks

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I admit that I had no sense of direction whatsoever in the blizzard and just kept on blindly going into it, but then I heard a voice speak up through all of the whiteness. It sounded very faint, yet distinct, however, like a silent echo would. "Kristoff," I heard it say. 

Upon closer listening to the voice, I immediately realized that it was Anna's own voice. I was completely certain that I did not imagine it. It was all too clearly her voice. I turned myself towards the sound of her voice and mouthed then cried out her name. "Anna!" I shouted into the whiteness of the blizzard. Then, I began running in the direction of which I heard her voice. 

I could easily admit to having no actual idea as to where I even was, but at least now I had a direction towards which I could head. I just pressed towards the sound of Anna's voice in the blizzard. I also had no idea why she was out here on the freezing, billowing fjord instead of in the warmth of the palace. I did not question it, though. I did not even question why she was calling out my name, very faintly. All that mattered to me at the time was that if she needed me help, I was more than willing to give it to her. Anna was my top priority at the time. 

The icicle storm just continued to billow and rage from all around me, while the wind howled in my ears like a pack of wolves. The storm seemed to just be getting worse as I could barely even see in front of my own eyes while I held them open against the billowing snow beating itself against my face. It was pretty difficult to even move forward towards the sound of Anna's voice, but I was not willing to give up that easily. I just could not give up! 

That was when the single most unexpected, and perhaps unheard of, thing happened to the blizzard that was all around me. It froze, literally, in mid-air. It was like the blizzard had frozen in time, even. The snowflakes were suspended in the air, completely unmoving. There was not even a wind anymore. Everything was just completely and totally still. I stopped running and looked around for a minute or two, utterly confused by this bizarre phenomenon. Just what was happening to the blizzard that was billowing and raging a mere few seconds prior? 

As I looked around, I suddenly saw a lone figure standing just across the fjord from where I was. Upon a closer inspection of the figure, I instantly recognized it as none other than... "Anna," I silently cried out to it, and began running towards her all at once.

With my energy finally renewed at the sight of her, I ran towards Anna as fast as I possibly could. I saw her trying her hardest to make her way towards me in return, but something was wrong. She was huddled up against herself, and she looked like she could barely even move her feet, at all.

It could not be. She was still freezing to death. That could not be right and made no sense. What had happened with her kiss from Hans? Why was she still shivering and even out in the cold?

Whatever the reason Anna was still stuck freezing to death, I finally knew that I had to help her, I just had to help her, no matter what the cost or even if I could really do anything. I put everything I had into my attempt at making it to her side. I was getting closer and closer to her. I was getting so close to making it to Anna, in fact, that I could even see her face, but just barely. Her once rosy cheeks had now turned blue and her once fiery red hair had finally turned completely white. Time was running out! I had to do something about her present condition.

That was when Anna suddenly looked away from me for one reason or another at the time. I was entirely too focused on actually getting to her in time to really pay much attention to whatever it was she was even looking at. I did not even see anything else aside from her shivering, freezing body at the time, anyway. I did not think much of whatever it was that Anna had even been looking at the time. The only sight within my line of vision for miles was the sight of Anna in danger of dying via freezing to solid ice as Grandpabbie had said she would.

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