Why, Oh Why, Did I Have to Fall for Her?

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Eventually, Sven and I had finally made it all the way out of even the outskirts of Arendelle City. At that point, the trip back to the mountains had been in complete silence while I just continued trudging ahead and worrying about what would have been happening to Anna right at the moment, with Sven lagging behind, moping up a storm of misery. Just when we were about to head into the forest and out of sight of Arendelle, however, Sven suddenly rushed in front of my path and began to grunt at me. 

"What is it, buddy?" I asked dully. 

That was right about when he began to push his antlers at me and push me backwards slightly. I did not really need to tell you just how dangerous those things can actually be. "Hey, watch it," I told him. "What's wrong with you?" I asked him. 

Sven only glared at me and then began to grunt and snort up a storm of reindeer noises at me. Of course, I knew just what he was trying to say to me. Like I said before, I am an expert on all things that are Sven. At the time, however, I just did not want to confront it at all, so I only pretended that I did not to understand what he was getting at. 

"I don't understand you when you talk like that," I told him flatly just before trying to make my way past him. 

Sven had had it with me and my denial by that point. He actually used his antlers to lift me off of the ground and began to walk right back towards Arendelle. 

"Ah!" I shouted as soon as he picked me up. "Stop it! Put me down!" I shouted at him. Sven obeyed and dropped me onto the ground, but he also grunted at me extremely loudly once again when I just continued to protest. This time, though, I did answer him. My answer to him, however, came out as a holler. "No, Sven!" I hollered at my best friend for the first time in my life as I stood back up. "We're not going back," I told him. 

He only grunted at me once more. "She's with her true love," I told my reindeer friend in defiance. That was just about when Sven gave me a look that had said, 'Are you kidding me right now? Do you even buy what you're selling?'. As little as I actually wanted to admit it now, with that one statement to Sven everything came out; I was in love with Anna. There was just no more denying it, and whether or not she really was with her true love, she definitely thought she was at that very moment. 

I had done my job in getting her home and was no longer needed, and I was not going to chase after her and get in the way of her happiness. Why should I, anyway? I was not even supposed to fall in love with her in the first place. It was my fault I felt this way about her, not hers. I was not about to go back to where I was not even needed anymore to ruin someone else's happiness just because I had to go and fall in love with someone who was already engaged to another. 

It was at that moment when the wind actually began to pick up. I looked around for the source of the raging wind. It was coming from the kingdom of Arendelle. "What the...?" I asked to no one in particular. 

Suddenly, I saw a huge cloud of violently swirling snow and ice forming over the castle and spreading over the rest of the kingdom. It began to engulf everything. My eyes widened in alarm at the very sight of it. Anna was down there! Unconsciously, I just whispered her name in fear for her own life, "Anna!" I said in my sudden state of alarm. 

With no second thought, I charged down the mountain and back into the grounds of the kingdom as fast as I possibly could. Sven soon caught up to me and hoisted me up onto his back to make it down the hill faster. "Come on. Come on, boy!" I urged Sven from atop his back as we raced back down to the kingdom of Arendelle. 

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