My Happy Ending with Anna

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So, I was being dragged along a path full of cobblestones as Princess Anna of Arendelle, herself, dragged me along with her.

"Come on, come on, come on, come on!" she said to me four times in a row as she tried to contain her own eagerness while pulling yours truly along with her on her path.

She had been trying her best and her hardest to contain all that enthusiasm, and I had been trying my best and my hardest to keep up with her and still hold onto my balance. "OK, OK. Here I come," I told her as I tried to keep my balance over all of those cobblestones.

I had suddenly collided with a very hard metal pole on our way to wherever Anna was bringing me. Upon colliding with the pole, hard I might add, I had actually managed to lose my own grip on her hand. My face had even throbbed in such pain. And yet, I could not help but be so amused by her actions and smirk a cheeky little grin on my face upon colliding with said pole. I thought it was pretty funny that Anna was not exactly looking where she was going enough to keep me or my face out of danger.

"Pole!" I simply grunted while backing away from the violent thing.

Upon realizing that we had both lost our grips on one another's hands, Anna had quickly enough come back for me. "Whoops! Sorry," she apologized, grabbing onto my hand once more and pulling me further forward.

Not long thereafter, we had finally reached the very destination which she had in mind. "OK," said. "Here we are." I could practically feel her bounce around in delight beside me before quickly removing my blind fold and giving me a tiny squeal of both joy and of excitement. The minute my eyes adjusted to the scenery in front of us, I looked just ahead at what she had wanted to show me.

Just ahead of the two of us, lay the absolute most beautiful and perhaps most ornate sled I had firmly believed I had ever seen in my entire life. It was decorated with a giant red bow around the very front of it and it looked so sleek with its blackness in color. There was even a brand new lute sitting on the seat of it. The lute was just as red in color as the ribbon that was tied around it. I believe that there were probably some other things in the back of the sled, but I was just far too focused on what lay in front of my own two eyes to care about anything the sled held within its back seat. That was just around when Sven came strolling in towards it.

"I owe you a sled," was all Anna said about showing me such a wonderful piece of sled carving artistry.

Then, Sven up and placed his hoof onto the front, posing about and acting as though he came with the sled like an accessory.

I turned slightly slack-jawed on her for a minute or two as I stared at such a gorgeous piece of craftsmanship. "Are you serious?" I asked her, completely dumbstruck.

"Yes!" she squealed out happily. "And it's the latest model," she finished off to me.

I could not believe that I had completely forgotten about my little deal with the princess of Arendelle, herself. Besides, I just thought that she was simply going to get me something along the same lines of what my old sled had been like before it was... you know, destroyed. I had never expected her to give me something so modern. It was far above and beyond what I used to have, and even farther above and beyond anything I had ever had in my whole life. How could I ever even begin to deserve such a sled, never mind accept it?

"No, I-I can't accept this," I said without once removing my eyes from it, still completely dumbstruck by such a work of art in the form of a sled.

"You have to," Anna said defiant to my own sudden humility towards her gift of a sled. "No returns. No exchanges. Queen's orders. She's named you the official Arendelle Ice Master and Deliverer," she continued while gesturing towards the medal hanging around a very proud Sven's neck.

I just raised my eyebrow as I looked in Anna's direction. "What? That's not a thing," I told her, though I was just slightly amused by both the title and by her enthusiasm about giving me the new sled instead of being confused either the title or by her.

Then, Anna just waved my skepticism away. "Oh, sure it is," she said as she did just that right before turning back to the sled. "And it even has a cupholder." Then, she turned herself back in my direction... a little tentatively, though. "Do you like it?" she asked me following her tentative look in my direction.

Did I like it? Did I like it? That 'it' she had just given to me was far beyond that of anything I had expected from her and maybe even more. I just grinned up a storm of joy towards her. "Like it? I love it!" I said, feeling absolutely ecstatic about such a gift.

Just like Anna, herself, I could hardly contain my own excitement upon receiving my new sled, either. I was not exactly certain to exactly what had gotten into me at the time, because I had just swept her off her feet all of a sudden and began to swing her around directly following. Anna cried out in surprise, but then laughed along with me. "I could kiss you!" I declared to her.

Wait a minute. What did I just say and where did it even come from? The impact of my words suddenly hit me like a cobblestone to the face as I quickly, yet carefully, dropped her right back onto her feet, totally and completely embarrassed. I suddenly knew not what to do with my hands and became painfully aware of her just watching me embarrass myself even further from there.

"I could. I mean, I'd like to. I..." I said all at once. "May I? We me? I mean, may we?" I asked the same question over and over again without even once letting her respond back to me along the way and before I even knew it, I had suddenly been stammering like an idiot. "Wait. What?" I asked more to myself than to Anna.

I had to admit that by then I had no actual idea as to what I was even saying. Could I have possibly sounded any more like such an idiot at the time? I just frowned embarrassedly at myself by what I could have possibly been saying.

That was just around when I suddenly felt just about the softest pair of lips I had ever felt brush themselves against my cheek and I was just as immediately snapped out of my embarrassment pretty completely. I turned my face towards the owner of such a pair of lips and saw Anna looking up at me with a compressed smile. "We may," she said in a simple manner.

I could? I could! We could! From there, I just smiled happily and decided basically to just go for it. I placed my hand on her left cheek, sunk myself down to her level and immediately pressed my lips onto that of her own. We were soon in one another's arms from there and let me just say it; that one kiss was perhaps the most magical kiss of my life, even if it were still just the first ever kiss of my life. I would have even bet that the kiss between the two of us made all other kisses in the history of first kisses pretty bland in comparison, if I were a gambler of any kind that is, and that's personally just my unprofessional opinion. 

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