Part 19

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PoV: Sonic

Class was as dull as ever. I was getting used to staying in my classroom for lunch. It kept the alphas from trying anything since the teacher never left the room. The main problem was getting to and leaving class.

"Sonic," the teacher called me just as I finished my lunch, "I need you to take these down to the office and make some copies."

"Yes Ma'am," I put my bento into my bag before getting up and grabbing the papers, and leaving. I've gotten stuck with this job three times now. Why can't she remember to make the copies herself? I didn't want to deal with some dumb alpha today.

"Sonic wait," Someone came running after me from the classroom, "I'll come with you," she was the only other echidna I had seen aside from Knuckles. Tikkal, "I think it would be safer that way."

"Safer?" She didn't look all too confident when she spoke, she seemed more fidgety and nervous. I hope she isn't pushing herself to do this. "It's okay. I'll be fine. You should enjoy your lunch with everyone."

"I just... This is the third time the teacher has sent you out alone... she never sent out anyone before you transferred. I don't think it's fair she's using you like that... the other girls are lecturing her right now so..."

"Really...?" I looked back towards the classroom. Sure enough a small group of girls were talking with the teacher, "I didn't even notice."

"I'll help you," she took half the stack from me with a smile. Another echidna... I don't think Knuckles has an sister.

"Hey, do you happen to have an older brother?" I asked.

"An older brother? No, I've been an only child in the foster system for as long as I can remember," Tikkal answered.

"You too huh? I thought you reminded me of my friend Knuckles. He's an echidna too," I noticed a smell near the stairway we had to go down. An alpha in heat was nearby.

"Sonic," Tikkal grabbed the back of my shirt, "We should go another way- but I guess there isn't another way to the office..."

"I'll take care of the papers, you should go back-" I reached for her half and she pulled it away from me.

"I'm fine... we can go together," she stayed close, I'd carry her to the nurse if the scent became too much for her.

"Let me know if you need to leave," It would be best of we didn't get noticed. Tikkal's scent was faint, so we were likely to be noticed right away.

We quietly started to go down the stairwell. The scent was getting stronger, which ment we were getting closer. At the bottom of the stairs was some guy leaning back against the window. We kept going, Tikkal never let go of my shirt.

"Hey," he spoke. His head still looked upwards, "You could at least say hi you know."

"H-hello," Tikkal spoke.

"We're just heading to the office," I took another step, only for his hand to block my way. He decided to lean on the wall besides us, "Excuse us."

"Hold on," he grabbed my arm, "I wanted to talk a little."

"I'm sorry, but the teacher is expecting us back soon," Tikkal pushed his arm off me.

"I'll forge you a hall pass," he grabbed my hand, "I've never smelt a scent as consuming as yours," he took the stack of paper from my hand.

"Cause I haven't heard that before. Tikkal let's go," I tried to grab the papers back and he pushed me against the wall.

"I mean that. You might be my mate," he suddenly had a serious look with those peircing blue eyes, "What have you got against me?"

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