Part 11

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PoV: Tails

  I was watching Sonic most of the morning after I got up. He had gotten a fever again last night when he fell asleep on the couch. I covered him up again after it went down. He'd be fine now that it was over. I went down stairs with my laptop and warmed up the breakfast Sonic left me last night. I opened up the laptop, and I started doing research...


  He's going to hate his heats...  they're so frequent for hedgehogs. I needed to be sure. I took Sonic's phone off his charger to borrow it and called Amy.

"Hey Sonic, I thought it was lazy day?" She answered right away.

"It's Tails, Sonic is still sleeping," I kept looking around to see what helped best with preheat symptoms, like the fevers Sonic got every night.

"Hi Tails, what's up?"

"I'm doing some research so I can help Sonic when he's in heat. He had two fever's yesterday, he usually only gets one. Which means they could be sighs of heat. Not only that, but it's been everyday. Side effects don't happen that often normally. He's going to go into his first heat, and it's going to be soon. He won't have anyway to cool down if he doesn't have a mate. The only other option is supplies-"

"Tails you're too young to look at things like that," Amy interrupted me, "Don't worry, I'll... I'll buy him somethings he can use to get through it. You can get him some popsicles to help him stay cool okay?"

"Okay, I'll get popsicles... you'll get something for-"

"Yes Tails! You're a sweet kid, but you are too young for this topic. I'll go shopping now, you need to stay with Sonic. We don't know when his real heat is going to start. I'll text Ray to keep an eye on him. I'll stop by after shopping," she hung up after saying goodbye.

  Amy is going to get him everything he needs. It's gonna be okay.

  I quietly went back into his room to check on him, he was still asleep and had no fever. This is normal for him, I don't have to worry.

PoV: Sonic

  It was warm instead of cold this morning. I hadn't kicked off my blanket over a fever... maybe the side effects are finally calming down. Thank chaos. I'll finally have an easier time with these stupid pills.

  I pulled on a hoodie to stay warm and walked down stairs. I found a little note on the table.

I read that popsicles help with the fevers and side effects of suppressants. I went to go get you some.

"Popsicles help? Wait what kinda research is he doing-"

Buzz! Buzz! My phone had started ringing. It was Amy.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Sonic, you're up. How are you feeling?" Amy asked.

"I'm feeling okay, what's going on?"

"Well... our mating season is coming up and you don't have any supplies so..."

"Don't worry about that!" Why is she calling me about this?! This is humiliating...

"I have to! You don't have an alpha or beta to satisfy you're breeding instincts. We don't know when you're going into heat. I just need to know what size you want, that's all. Have you dont anything yet?"

"Of course not! I'd never," I couldn't stand to look at my reflection on the microwave. My face was completely red because of this.

"I'll start you off easy okay. Be sure to stay close to Ray. We can't risk anything. Alphas will start getting competitive soon. If anyone smells you-"

"I know that! I'll take my surprecents everyday like I have been. Stop worrying," I buried myself in blankets on the couch. Please hang up already...

"Sonic... we won't be able to hang out with you much during spring, you realize that, right? One of us could snap and give in to instincts... we all agreed to stay away until summer..."

  Huh? Wait... I'll be alone?

"Yeah... I know," I sighed, Ray and Tails will still be around, so I won't be alone all the time.

"I'll come drop this stuff off. Do you want anything while I'm out?" She asked as we finally ended the topic.

"Not really..." I couldn't think of anything other than how embarrassing this was.

"Have you eaten yet?"


"I'll bring you lunch. You just rest. See you soon," she hung up and I lost the will to get up off the couch.

  I can't believe she buying me stuff for my heat. I don't even know what will work. Just one thing right? Wait how much did she say she was buying?

  I tried to call her back but there was no answer, "Wait Amy, what are buying?!"

  I quickly texted her.

How much are you buying?

It's a secret.

Amy, just one thing. I can get stuff on my own.

You won't, that's why I'm buying it. You'll find out what I got you. Bye♡

"No way... She won't tell me!" I whined and pulled the blankets up over my face.

"Sonic, I'm home with popsicles-" I heard the door as Tails came home.

"I hate being an omega..." I groaned.

"Huh? What happened? Sonic?"



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