Chapter Eleven

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Les was trying to fight me with this wooden sword he had. He was lightly tapping my sides while Sarah walked ahead of us.

"Oi, no fair! You got yourself a weapon there." I said, laughing.

"That just means I get the upper hand." He told me.

Suddenly, Sarah stopped. I looked over and both the Delancey brothers had gotten her. I pulled Oscar away from her. "Get away from her, you creep."

"What, you want your fair share? Don't worry darling, there's plenty for the both of yous." Les suddenly start to hit him. Oscar then threw Les into the mud while Morris still had his slimy little mitts on Sarah. He was forcing her down an alleyway and she punched him.

"Go Sarah," I said. He kept chasing her, but when I tried to but in, Oscar threw me to the ground. "I always knew you had no pride. Putting your grubby hands on two helpless girls. We ain't dumber than you!" I felt a sharp pain in my face and was shot to the ground. I touched my hand to my cheek and winced. That'll leave a bruise.

Oscar was towering over me, but I couldn't show I was scared of him. "What? You gonna hit me again? You're a little bastard, you know that?"

"At least I'm able to eat." He said, but just before he hit me again, Sarah shouted at Dave to run. Oscar's attention immediately switched to him. Shit. Oscar started punching and kicking him while Sarah yelled at them to stop. Morris was cackling and Oscar held Dave up to let his meathead of a brother have a go. I stood up and grabbed Oscar's collar again.

I pulled him away, then suddenly, Jack appeared and started to punch his fist into Morris' face. He then grabbed Oscar and started to beat him too. I crouched down to the siblings to see if they were all in good shape.

"Are you okay? Sarah? Les?"

"We're okay, Jo."

"My God, your face, Jo," Dave commented. I reached my hand up again and realized the spot Oscar hit me in was now bleeding.

"I'll be fine. Nothing I haven't felt before, right?" Jack then came and pulled Sarah up while I helped Dave get on his feet.

"What, couldn't stay away?" Dave asked.

"Well, I guess I can't be something I ain't."

"A scab?" I asked bitterly.

"No, smart." I already knew that.


Jack knocked on the door. I was still kind of mad at Denton and didn't want to, but Sarah had given us the paper he wrote.

When he opened the door, Jack held up the article. "Did you mean what you wrote in here? About all these sweatshop kids listening to us?"

Denton stood there proudly as if he knew we would come back. It was pretentious and annoying. "I don't write anything I don't mean. Come on in, I was just packing a few things."

I scoffed under my breath and crashed onto his couch. He was leaving. The one person on the outside that we had looking out for us would gone at the snap of the fingers.

"So, yes. I meant it. This city thrives on child labor. A lot of people make money that way. They're terrified that the Newsies strike will spread."

"That's a good thing. It means what we're doing is worth our while," I said, laying on the couch.

"But there's really not much chance of that as long as they got the power." Jack said. They started crowing at the table so I got up and stood by them.

"Sometimes, all it takes is a voice. One voice that becomes a hundred and then a thousand, unless it's silenced."

"Why can't we spread the strike?" Jack asked. "Have another big rally, get the word out to all the sweatshop kids. Why not?"

Brooklyn~~ Spot Conlon x OCOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz