Chapter Five

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Jack was giving orders on where each Newsie was to go. We had to recruit the others if the strike was actually going to happen.

"So, what about Brooklyn? Who wants Brooklyn? Come on, Spot Conlon's territory."


Of course I wanted to go. But that felt weird. Going someplace without Jack and the only reason I'd want to go is to see Spot. Well, I guess that's sort of the point but still.

"What's the matter, you scared of Brooklyn?" I said to make myself seem less conspicuous.

"Hey, we ain't scared of Brooklyn," Boots started. "Spot Conlon makes us a little nervous." I laughed at that. If Spot was anything like he was last I saw him, there wasn't a thing to be nervous about.

Jack looked over at me. He knows. I know he knows. He's said it, but still.

"Well, he don't make me nervous. He make you nervous, Jo?" My eyes widen. Asshole. I shake my head firmly so no one notices a hint of hesitation. "So, Jack, me, and Boots. We'll go to Brooklyn. And Dave can keep us company." I said. Boots quickly agreed. It's unlikely for any of them to fight Jack or I.

"Sure, just as soon as you take our demands to Pulitzer," Dave said. I looked at Jack. Now he looked nervous. "Me to Pulitzer?"

Dave shrugged then looked at me. "Jo works too." I laughed. "You think Pulitzer is gonna listen to a seventeen-year-old girl? No chance, buddy."

Jack started to pace for a second. "Well, maybe the kid will soften him up a little," he said, pulling Les towards him. Just as soon as the doors closed behind Jack and Les, everyone except Dave and I started chanting 'strike'.

I was a little concerned though. One; because I had to see Spot. And two; because we were going on strike with nothing. People barely knew we even existed. What kind of impact could we possibly make?

Some guy suddenly pulled me from my thoughts. "Hey, what is this strike? What's going on?" Of course, he looked at Dave who then looked at me. Not knowing what to say.

"Uh, we're bringing our demands to Pulitzer." he said, unsure if he was right. I nodded to confirm. "What demands?" The guy asked again. Boy, he's got a lot of questions. I decided to answer this time. "The Newsie's demands. We're on strike." The guy looked at me impressed. As if I don't know what strike means.

"I'm with the New York Sun. I'm Bryan Denton." He sticks his hand out for me to shake. At least he acknowledged me first. "You seem like the kid in charge, what's your name?" Denton asked Dave. I rolled my eyes. "David." Denton nodded again. "David. David as in David and Goliath?" He chuckled then went on again. "Do you really think Old Man Pulitzer's gonna listen to your demands?"

"He better," I said under my breath. Denton then turned to me with a confused look. "I mean he has to."

Just then, Jack and Les were thrown out from the doors. Way to make an entrance at the perfect time.

Denton offered to get us some food, so we accepted. We got not money, you think we're gonna refuse food?

Jack is off on a rant o what happened when he tried to get to Pulitzer's office while Les and I were enjoying some amazing burgers. Well, Les was eating some soup, I wasn't really paying a whole lot of attention.

"That's when they threw us out," Les said. I just realized I completely zoned out and didn't hear a word of that conversation. Dave laughed.

"Does it scare you?" Denton asked. "You're going up against the most powerful man in New York City."

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