Chapter Three

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We got out of Medda's and we started walking away. Not really sure to where yet. Dave was praising how beautiful she was. Nothing I haven't heard before.

"How do you know her?" Dave asked.

"She's a friend of my father's," Jack replied. I walked slowly behind them. I know how much Jack hated talking about his folks.

"Oh it's getting late. My parents are gonna be worried." Dave looked over at Les, then back at Jack.

"What about yours?" Dave asked. I assumed he was asking Jack. I mean both of us live without a family. I'm the only one who knows the truth about his family. But for some reason, I've never had the courage to tell him about mine.

"No, they're out west looking for a place to live," Jack replies. I think he's told this lie so often, he might be believing it.

We heard some commotion from down the street. Jack and I started running. Dave and Les followed after us. When we got across the street, there was a carriage on fire.

Dave was trying to lure our attention away from the flames. "Jack, Jo! Why don't we go back to my place and divvy up? You can meet my folks." I heard him say. But I was too mesmerized by the fire.

"It's the trolley strike, Dave!" Jack called.

"These couple of dumb-asses must not of joined or something." I say, not even looking at Dave.

"Jack, let's just get out of here," Dave said again. Les started pulling my arm, "Please Jo," he said with those little 9 year old eyes.

While we were walking to Dave's place, Les started drifting off. Jack wrapped him around his shoulders until we got there.

When Dave opened his door, his mother walked towards us immediately. "My God, what happened?"

"Nothing Mama, he's just sleeping." Jack dropped Les and he ran to the bed at the end of the room. "We've been waiting dinner for you. Where have you been." His father asked.

Jack and I just stood awkwardly in the doorframe.

Dave set the money he made from being newsie today on his dinner table.

"You made all of this from selling newspapers?" His father asked him. I looked at his father and he had an arm brace on. I wondered what happened to him. But I probably shouldn't ask.

"Well half of it's Jacks," he said.

"Yeah, I don't share," I said as I smirked. Dave looked at us in the doorframe. "These are our selling partners...and our friend. Jack Kelly and Jolynn Morris. Jo, Jack, my parents."

"Hello," Dave's father said, reaching his arm out to shake ours. When he turned to me though, he looked at me funny. "You're a Newsie as well? You seem a little..." he trailed off.

"Girl-ish?" I finished, then chuckled slightly. I never know how to handle people like this, so I act like it doesn't bother me. "Yeah, I'm a Newsie. One of the best if I do say so myself." He looked at me and nodded.

"Uh, that's my sister, Sarah." Dave says.

I looked between Jack and Sarah and I'm not sure if I've ever seen Jack look at someone like that.

"What's her name looks to have a thing for you," I said to him. His face turned a slight pink. "Oh, my God! Jack Kelly blushing!"

"Shut up, Morris. Not like you haven't before."

"What? Who?"

"Spot Conlon?"


"King of Brooklyn. Smooth going, Jo."

Jack starts going on about the natural born Newsies Dave and Les are, Sarah's giving him goo-goo eyes, and Dave's parents are all for it. I get up to go to the kitchen, just to give myself a minute away from King Kelly.

"Everything alright?" Sarah asked me. I looked at her, She had brown hair and a long flowy dress. I must look like a mess.

"Everything's fine, I'm just not use to this I guess."

"Ah. I understand. Well, Dave will appreciate you, I'm sure."

"I don't need Dave to appreciate me. I think I just need a friend who doesn't see me as a leader. Just a person."

"So, you want a boy to see you?"

"What? I never said that!"

"Oh, come on! I may not have many friends, but I know how to read secret messages from girls. Believe me, I've been sending them all night to your friend Jack over there," She chuckled to herself.

"I noticed. He didn't though. The oblivious wanker."

"So...this boy? Anyone I might know?"

"It's not Dave. It's definitely not Jack."

"Then who?"

I smiled slightly. I haven't really thought of Spot since the last time I saw him. It's been so long, I'm not even sure how long. Just that I could never stop thinking about his smirk or his voice, or anything about him.

"I haven't seen him in a while. It does me no good thinking about him when I don't know the next time I'll see him."

"Every girl has a fantasy, Jolynn."

"I'd rather think of reality."

"Sarah," Her father called.

"Go get the cake your mothers hiding in the cabinet."

Her mother hits her father, lovingly, across the arm with her napkin. "That's for your birthday tomorrow!"

"I've had enough birthdays, this is a celebration, huh?"

"I'll get the knife," Dave says.

"I got the plates," Sarah says.

"Happy birthday, Papa," Sarah says again.

I look at how they interact as a family and all I can think about is my brother, and the family we use to be.

They handed me a piece of cake and it was delicious.

"Come back, my lovey-dovey baby, and coochie-coo with me.." Les sang in his sleep. Dave, Jack, and I start laughing.

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