Chapter One

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  "Oi, that's my cigar!" Is what I hear when I wake up.

"Shut up, Race!" I say as I sit up.

"Says you, Jo."

"Hey bummers, we've got work to do."

"Since when did you become me mother?"

"Aye, stop your bawling," Crutchy said.

"Hey, who asked you?" We all yelled at him.

See, I've gotten used to getting changed in front of all the guys, They give me my space, obviously, but still. I've seen it all. Almost. But, today's just another day as a Newsie. I get shit by drunk guys at nine in the morning but sometimes, it's my biggest sell. Depends on how I dress that day. It makes me sick so I'd rather just sell regularly. But today is just another day.

"Oi, Morris!" Jack said, knocking on my bed. Respectful as always.

I pulled back the curtain because I was dressed. "What do you want, Kelly?"

"It's time to go." He smiled and tilted his head. He always does this.

"Alright! I'll be out in two seconds."


"100 papes." I say.

"100 papes!" Weisel calls back to Oscar Delancey. Oscar winks at me and I scowl back at him. He grosses me out. I'm a newsie. Not whatever fallacy he sees in me.

"Back off, Oscar," Crutchy says. Count on my brother to be over protective. Thanks Charlie, but I can fight my own battles. I snatch my papers and walk away.

"Gross," I say under my breath.

"You said it," says Jack as he sits next to me.

"Look at this, baby with two heads. Must be from Brooklyn," Race said as he sat next to us.

"I paid for twenty, I only got nineteen," some guy said behind us.

"You callin' me a liar?" Weisel said.

I got up and checked the guys papers. "He's right, Weasel. It's nineteen. Don't worry though, honest mistake. See, Morris here can't even count to twenty himself."

"You sure you aren't talking about yourself or that brother of yours?" Morris replied.

"Oh, your comebacks aren't any better then they were yesterday, Delancey." I fake pouted. "Race, spot me two bits." And Race flicked me two bits. "Now, get my friend here fifty more papes."

"No, I don't want more."

"Sure you do, every Newsie wants more papes." Jack said grabbing his papers for him.

"I don't!"

"What, are you stupid?" Race asked. He never realizes when he's being rude.

"I don't want your papes! I don't take charity for anybody. I don't even know you. I don't care to. So here are your papes." He was handing me half of his stack.

I just sort of laughed. "I'm Jolynn Morris." I looked over and saw a little boy standing next to the guy holding out his papers.

"And what's your name, kid?" Jack asked him.

"I'm Les, and this is my brother, David. He's older."

"Oh, no kidding," Jack said. "So, how old are you, Les?"

"Near 10" Les said.

"Near 10," Jack repeated.

"Well, that's no good. If anyone asks, you should say you're seven." I say. "See younger sells more papes. If we're gonna be partners, we wanna be the best."

"Wait wait wait, who said anything about partners?" David said. I'm gonna call him Dave. That seems to fit well.

"Well, you owe me two bits, right?"

Dave shook his head like saying 'Yeah, what are you implying' without saying it.

"So, we'll consider that an investment." Jack said, wrapping an arm around me.

"We sell together, we split." I say.

"Seventy-thirty," Jack finished.

"Plus, you get the benefit of observing us, no charge."  I say and I wink at Les.

Dave scoffs.

"Hey, you're getting the chance of a lifetime, Davey. You learn from Jack and Jolynn, you learn from the best." Crutchy says. I sarcastically bow and say something along the lines of "Thank you, Thank you."

"Well if they're the best, then how come they need me? Seems they've got partnership down perfectly." Dave said. Now it was my turn to scoff.

"Listen pal, we don't need you. But we don't got a cute little brother like Les here to front for us." Jack said.

Dave looks around. He's trying to figure his way around us. I can tell. Bring it on, Davey.

"It's gotta be at least fifty-fifty." He finally said.

"Sixty-forty and I forget this whole thing."

"I'd take it if I were you," Crutchy whispered in his ear.

Dave starts to reach his arm out to seal the deal. I spit on my hand like any Newsie would and he shoots his arm away.

"What's the matter?" Asks Jack.

"That's disgusting."

We all start laughing. This is going to be a great adventure, ain't it?

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