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We race into the trailer, and I watch Eddie stop in his tracks before me, taking slow, graceful steps into his room.

Once he stops, I meet him at his side, noticing his face staring in awe. I follow his gaze to the hanging instrument in front of us.

It looks magical, like it belongs in a movie. I can't even begin to imagine the kind of music that it will make.

"It's like she was destined for an alternate reality." Eddie says, speaking my exact thoughts.

He snatches the guitar, and turns around to face Dustin and I.

"Are you ready for the most metal concert in the history of the world?" he asks, slinging the guitar over his shoulder.

"Is that a rhetorical question?" Dustin's voice comes from behind me.

"Let's do it." I say confidently, smirking at both of them.

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"Copy that, initiating phase three." Dustin confirms, giving me a nod.

"Let's hope they hear this." I refer to the bats, before plugging in the the amp of Eddie's guitar, and turning the volume knob all the way to the right.

Eddie stares at me, and I give him an encouraging nod. He glances at me one more time before pulling his hand up to his neck, grabbing onto the guitar pick that hangs from it.

He gives it a rough tug, snatching the small piece of plastic from around his neck and into his fingertips.

"Chrissy, this is for you." he says, dedicating the performance to my best friend.

His hands fiercely runs down the center of the guitar, strumming the chords.

I immediately recognize the song to be Master of Puppets by Metallica. The song came out around a couple of weeks ago, meaning that Eddie has definitely been practicing.

I feel Dustin squat behind me as Eddie continues to play, and I decide to also squat with him, thinking it's a safe choice.

The brunette rocks his hair back and forth, as if this is the performance of his life.

I can't help but smile a little at the view of my boyfriend rocking out in a different universe.

I continue to watch his hair fly around with his constant head banging. In the corner of my eye, I see Dustin also rocking out, nodding his head with the beat of the song.

It's just then that I hear a screeching noise, which causes me to sharply turn my head, viewing only a couple of bats flying in our direction.

Dustin notices my reaction, and reaches for the binoculars, putting them up to his eyes. I see his facial expression change as he notices the creatures charging at us.

I turn my gaze back to the rockstar in front of me, and a little anxiety starts to run in my blood at the fear of the bats reaching him.

The screeching gets louder, echoing through the cold air. I whip my head back around, discovering that there is now a whole swarm of bats coming our way.

"Eddie!" Dustin shouts, also noticing the huge crowd of animals.

Eddie looks over at us, his fingers still moving up and down the neck of the instrument.

"T-minus thirty seconds!" Dustin yells, holding up three fingers on one hand, and making a zero with the other.

Eddie nods, turning his attention back to the music. I can hear the tempo of the song begin to pick up, meaning that he's trying his best to finish it on time.

"T-minus twenty!" the boy behind me reminds him.

I hear the slide of his fingers on the strings, and the guitar solo soon begins. The screeching of the bats is getting closer and closer.

"T-minus ten!" Dustin yells over the guitar-playing.

Eddie is now violently rocking and shaking with the instrument in his hands. He quickly sways back and forth, really getting into the music.

I look behind me, and the creatures are only seconds away. A panic begins to rise in my body, and my breathing becomes heavy.

I snap my head back to the boy in front of me, right as Dustin shouts, "Five!"

The music gets more and more high-pitched, and I recognize this as the end of the song.


The last chord is strummed and I know we've finally reached the end.

The sound of the last deep chord echos through the amp and into the air.

"Go! Go! Go!" Dustin screams into the air as Eddie flings his guitar and follows us.

The screeching bats are right behind us, and the adrenaline in my veins pumps more than ever.

Dustin jumps onto the top of a truck, and I follow right behind him. He jumps from the truck onto the ground, roughly landing.

I feel Eddie stomp onto the vehicle behind me, and we're soon both on the ground.

There's so much yelling and commotion as we desperately try to escape the creatures, and I swear I loose feeling in my fingertips from all of the adrenaline.

Dustin opens the door of the gate that he built around the trailer, leading Eddie and I inside with him.

Eddie turns around quickly, slamming the gate shut. He instinctively places piece of broken wood diagonally, making it so that the door wouldn't budge against the bats pressure.

The flying creatures finally catch up, slamming into the gate before us.

I flinch a little at the screeching and clawing, but Eddie's hands are soon surrounding me, guiding me into the trailer with Dustin.

He shuts the metal door behind us, and we're all bent over, hands on our knees, catching our breath.

"Most..." Dustin breathes, "metal...ever!"

I watch the boys jump up and down with each other, and I silently laugh to myself. I'm aware that this moment will soon be interrupted whenever I notice the stomping on top of the roof above us.

The room slowly gets quiet, and I can practically feels everyone's breathing hitch.

"They're on the roof." Eddie confirms, and I give him a well no shit kind of look.

"Shit, shit, shit." I hear Dustin mumble over and over.

We all listen to the light footsteps walking slowly towards the bedroom. We follow closely behind them, holding our weapons up in front of us protectively.

I squint my eyes, noticing the small opening in the roof. There's small pads that keep it secure, but they're definitely bendable.

"They can't get in through there, can they?" I ask, hoping the answer is no.

Just then, a bats head pops through the hole above us, screeching wildly.

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