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"Tears for Fears is just lame." the brunette argues.

"Not as lame as metal music." I shoot back.

Eddie and I have been arguing about music for the past ten minutes. The rest of the car is silent, almost everyone is taking a quick nap during this short amount of free time we have available.

"Hey," he defends, "metal music is cool."

"Sure," I sarcastically smile down at the boy laying on top of me, "if you want your ears blown off."

He scoffs lightly, and I feel the puff of air that he let out against my chest.

"It's not basic, unlike your taste." he says, looking up at me.

I look in the other direction, a smile forming on my face, "Okay, it's kinda cool."

He smiles at the fact that I gave in, admitting that metal music might be kind of cool.

I run my hand through his hair when he rests his head back down. As I'm moving my fingers around, I feel something heavy on my forefinger.

I squint my eyes, noticing a silver color peak out through the dark hair.

I scrunch my face as I pull my hand closer to my eyes, spotting the silver piece of metal attached right above my knuckle.

Eddie notices me pause from running my fingers through his hair. He looks up, and quickly grins at my reaction.

It's one of his rings.

I glance down at his hand, realizing that one of his fingers is empty, missing the usual ring that hugs it. That ring is now on me.

He must've slipped it on earlier, when we were alone on the couch.

"You are so sneaky." I say, still examining the ring as I grin.

"I have no idea what you're talking about." he tells me, smirking.

I scoff, finally meeting his eyes.

"Honestly, I think you're just a thief." he jokes.

"A thief?" I exaggerate.

"My thief." he confirms, laying his head back down onto me.

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I watch the saw blades cut through the black piece of metal. I feel the gun shake beneath my hands as I try my best to hold it down while Nancy cuts off the top of it.

"Is this legal?" Max asks, her hands also holding the gun down on top of the box.

"Actually," Nancy says, keeping her eyes on the gun, "I think it's a felony."

"Right." I lightly scoff with Max.

"But it guarantees one thing." Nancy speaks, "I wont miss."

She then raises the saw, smacking it against the deep cut in the metal, causing the metal to clang and completely fall off.

"Wow." I comment, totally surprised by my sisters fierce strength.

I hear hammering coming from the other side of the field, causing me to look up.

I spot the source of the sound to be Eddie and Dustin hammering nails into garbage can lids.

I stand up, letting Max and Nancy know that I'll be right back. I step through the tall grass, bracing myself down the hill as I walk.

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