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I press my two fingers down on the side button of the walkie-talkie once more, speaking into it, "Dustin? You there?"

This is my sixth time attempting to reach Dustin. Eddie and I really need help, because if we get caught by Jason and his gang, we may or may not make it out alive.

I feel a hand on top of mine, and the device is quickly ripped out of my hand.

"Hey Dustin, it's Eddie, you haven't forgotten about us have you?" his words are very stressed.

I'm not sure how much longer Eddie and I can hide down in this boathouse, but it's already been about an hour, and Jason will soon see this building and come down to check in here.

It's pitch black outside and I can't see anything. I hear Eddie put down the walkie-talkie in defeat, quietly sighing.

We're basically sitting ducks down in this building. We have nothing to defend ourselves, and no other solutions.

A throbbing pain suddenly runs throughout my head and I swear I hear a clock chime.

As I frantically look around me, I see Eddie still sitting next to me, his knees pulled up to his chest, just as mine are.

I grab my hair with my two hands, pulling on it, trying my best to make the dreadful aching disappear.

Eddie seems to understand what's happening, and stretches an arm over me. A hand eventually lands on my shoulder, pulling me into him, close enough to where I can hear his whispers.

"I know it hurts." his voice is soft. "Shhh." he repeats over and over as my own grip on my head strengthens. I would kill to take one pill of Tylenol right now.

For a couple of minutes, the only sound in the room is my muffled whines and cursing under my breath.

"I have an idea." Eddie murmurs, letting go of his grip on me and standing up.

I watch him walk over to the motionless boat, messing with a knot to get it un-done. I quickly realize what his plan is, and I also jump up, attempting to untie the boat from the dock.

I manage to get two knots untied just as Eddie grabs an oar, jumping in the boat that's currently floating.

Right before I join him, I remember that we should probably take our things. I spin around, trying to ignore my throbbing headache as I search for my bag that holds the walkie-talkie.

I spot it, run over towards it, and grab it. Just as I do so, I hear the house door slam, and Jason's voice booms throughout the woods, calling out for Eddie.

At this, I jump in the boat, pushing us out of the small slip, and out into the water.

I immediately feel the cooler air hit my body, and I desperately wish that I had time to put on my heavy navy jacket.

Eddie begins paddling with the single paddle, splashing me a little as he desperately tries to get away from Jason and his gang.

Just then, Jason spots us, "Hey Freak!"

Eddie hears this, spins around, and throws the oar into my arms. I look him in the eyes and he nods for me to move up to the front.

I almost trip in the dark as I make my way towards the nose of the boat, and I can hear Eddie behind me, trying to start the helpless motor that's attached to the back of the boat.

Jason's stupid voice continues to ring through the air, along with remarks about Eddie.

There's a sudden splash in the distance, and whenever I turn around, I witness Jason and Patrick diving into the lake, violently swimming after us. My arms move faster than they ever have before.

"Stupid piece of shit!" Eddie mutters while hitting the boat motor with his fist. I try to take deep breaths as my arms are becoming more sore with every push.

There's no telling what Jason will do to us if he catches up.

I take a glance to see what's going on behind me, and I find Jason only a couple feet away from us, trying his best to keep his head above the freezing water.

"Isabelle!" Jason calls out, catching my attention, "We know that this freak got you into this! You don't have to do this!"

My face fills with anger, and Jason quickly recognizes the emotion, "Isabelle come on! We're friends!"

He continues recalling our "friendship" over the past years and attempts at convincing me to join him.

"You're innocent! This freak isn't!" he yells, continuing to swim after the boat, Patrick close behind him, "Help us get revenge for Chrissy!"

Eddie looks at me, waiting for my reaction to Jason's words.

"Eddie isn't a murderer!" I shake my head at him, "Fuck you, Jason!" I respond, threatening him with my oar.

Him and Patrick are still fiercely swimming whenever there's a loud splash, and Patrick is suddenly pulled underwater.

Eddie stops beating up the motor and my arms stop moving. In fact my whole body freezes in total.

"Patrick?!" Jason calls out, staying afloat in the water, gasping for air.

I drop the oar in the boat, and walk up behind Eddie as we both try to spot the basketball player in the pitch black water.

"Patrick we almost got them, come on!" Jason yells out, thrashing around in the water in search for his friend.

Just then, Patrick shoots up out of the water, and roughly floats a few feet above Jason.

I hear Eddie's breathing hitch as he quickly recognizes the action from a couple of nights ago, it's exactly how Chrissy was positioned.

I step back while gazing up at the levitating boy.

"What the..." Jason is at a loss for words.

Just then, a sharp snapping sound breaks through the air, and sure enough, it's one of his bones breaking in half.

The faint but detailed memories of Chrissy immediately run throughout my mind. Images flash through my brain of her terrified and frozen face.

I feel like I can't breathe. Air is trapped in my lungs and it's desperately begging to be exhaled.

Eddie must also have a similar feeling, because just as the rest of Patrick's bones begin to crack, he steps backwards in fear. He ultimately trips over my bag, loosing his balance and landing in the water, along with me, who was brought down with his weight.

The whole boat just about tips, and water soaks my body. I feel my head become submerged, and the freezing water meets my skin.

As I push my way up to the surface, I see Jasons mouth hung open, staring at his friend in fear and confusion.

Patrick's body plunges into the water, and I don't think Jason even cares about Eddie anymore.

As I struggle to keep afloat, I feel another body next to me, stabilizing me altogether.

I desperately gasp for air, wiping my hair off of my face, and spitting water out of my mouth.

"Come on." Eddie's voice is faint in my ear, due to all of the lake water that has clogged it by now.

There's a sudden grip on my waist and I feel myself being dragged at the edge of the water, eventually making it to shore.

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𝙒𝙃𝘼𝙏 𝘼 𝙁𝙍𝙀𝘼𝙆Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora