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The sound of snoring travels throughout my ears, waking me up, and my eyes shoot open. I feel so much more alive than I did last night, probably because of the rest I just received.

Whenever I realize where the snoring is coming from, I look down, to see the familiar face of Eddie Munson, pulled close into me.

His hands are wrapped around my waist so tight that it's hard for me to breathe. I feel his hot breath against my chest, which his head is nuzzled into.

My hands are covered around the boys head, my fingers dug into his hair, holding him close to me.

The sight that I currently have is creating butterflies in my stomach, and I can't help but wonder if he would feel the same way if he was in my position.

I feel my cheeks pulse with blush whenever he stirs in my arms, loosening his grip on me.

I suddenly remember that we should probably contact the rest of the group, and catch up with them, since it's been almost a day since we've last seen them.

I gently lift my hands off of him, sitting up, which causes his arms to unravel from around me.

I slide my legs over the side of the bed, standing up and tip-toeing over to the bathroom.

Whenever I get a look in the mirror, I see the obvious blush that covers my face, and I take a deep breath, closing my eyes for a moment before deciding to start to get ready for the day.

I begin getting ready by throwing Eddie's clothes in the wash, starting a load of laundry.

I brush my teeth and change my clothes, preparing myself mentally for whatever might happen while working against Vecna today.

Right as I walk out of my bathroom, I run straight into Eddie, who is now awake and trying to enter the bathroom.

I make contact with his bare chest, and he steps back, rubbing his eyes in exhaust. I can tell he only woke up a couple seconds ago.

"Morning." he groans with a raspy voice.

I don't respond, instead, my mind is caught on something else: The view I have.

My view consists of Eddie's multiple tattoos covering his body, and his morning voice is way more attractive than it should be. Not to mention, the obvious V-line sitting right above his pants.

I take a deep breath, walking away from him, and he just gives me a weird look before strutting into the bathroom.

I hear him begin to brush his teeth, also getting ready.

I sit down on my bed, beginning to think with my head in my hands.

I was definitely staring.

Did he see?

Is he even aware that we were cuddling?

Thoughts continue to run through my brain like a rampage.

I think he saw the blush on my face.

I wonder if he feels the same way?

No, there's no way.


God, I cannot keep these feelings in any longer. I absolutely cannot.

"Iz? Hello?"

I need to tell him.

"Iz? What's wrong?" his hand waves in front of my face.

I jerk my head to look up at him, staring back and forth between his eyes. He flinches at my sudden reaction.

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