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"Three on the dot!!" I yell after Mike as he gets out of the car.

"If your late Im leaving you!" I also remind him.

He mumbles something in agreement about being on time, before walking into the metal double doors of Hawkins High.

Ever since that phone call I had with Chrissy on Saturday morning, I've been ignoring what happened at the party. I don't wanna talk about it to anyone, not even Chrissy. It's embarrassing and overall just doesn't make sense. Why does Eddie care about me?

My nightmares also quit, for now. But my headache returns every now and then, and the nausea definitely did not stop.

In fact, here I am, standing in the parking lot, taking my second Zofran of the day, and it's only 9:00 am.

Im swallowing the pill when I hear the first bell ring out from inside the school, I quickly rush towards the double doors, careful not to trip.

I make it into Mrs. Harrison's biology class before the late bell, thankfully.

I sit through what feels like hours of learning about the blood vessels of the human body. About how much blood our heart pumps every second, and what exactly happens if our heart stops.

When the bell eventually rings, I'm met with Chrissy and some of her other friends. She talks with them, barley acknowledging me. She must still be pissed about how I hung up on her.

All of us have Algebra II together next class, so we make our way there, in a group.

As we're walking towards the class, my ears start to ring and my head pounds. It feels like something's trapped in my head, yelling to be let out.

"Isabelle, you alright?" a girls voice pounds throughout my head.

I look up and realize my hands are covering my ears, sweat is starting to build up on my body, and my heart is beating so fast that it feels like it's going to jump out of my body. 

All of my friends share nasty looks, and return them to me.

They must think I'm insane.

I quickly take my hands off of my ears and try to breathe.

Just then Jason walks up. Great.

His friends guard behind him, almost as if it's their job.

"You..okay?" he questions, narrowing his eyes. He must have seen what just happened.

Everyone around me holds their breath, staring at me, also waiting for an answer.

"I'll be right back." I huff out and make my way towards the corner at the opposite end of the hall, where none of them would be able to spot me.

The hallway is near empty by now, since the bell is only a couple seconds from ringing. Which means my group of  "friends" are definitely not waiting on me, and they're probably already walking to class without me.

As I turn the corner, I suddenly feel my left foot hold back from continuing on, like it was glued to the ground, causing me to almost face-plant into the hard concrete below me.

I catch myself with my two hands before my nose makes contact with the ground. I hear faint laughter ring within my head. I also hear my bottle of Zofran roll out of the side pocket of my backpack.

I look up, and that selfish face smirks down at me.

"Good one, Munson." I sarcastically smile.

Him and his buddies laugh at my remark. Just then the bell rings.

I shake my head and see my Zofran across the hall, where it must've rolled.

I push myself up off of the floor.

"Shouldn't you be in class?" I furrow my brows, trying to get him to leave.

Once I say this, a lot of his buddies check their watches or run off to the class that they are supposed to be attending at the moment. But of course, Eddie stays.

I'm not sure if he knows that I remember Friday night, but I now know what happened. Although, here he is, acting like nothing ever occurred between us on that night.

"I could be asking you the same thing." he replies with a cold face, taking a glance over at my bottle of pills on the floor.

Once he does this, I quickly run over and gather up the bottle in my hands, trying my best to hide them.

I ignore his remark, shaking my head, and turn the other corner, getting away from him.

Although I now realize I'll have to pass him again, since he's in the way to my Algebra class.

When I am confident no one can see me, I pop a pill in my mouth and swallow, careful not to choke without the usual water I take with it.

I return the bottle into its usual spot in my backpack, and take a deep breath before turning the corner again.

He still stands there, almost as if he knew I'd be crossing him again. This time all of his friends are gone.

I try and walk past him as if he doesn't exist.

He glances at the side pocket of my backpack. It's like he has X-ray vision and can clearly see what I'm trying so hard to hide.

He removes his eyes from my backpack and glares at me as I slowly continue to walk by.

I make sure to return the glare.

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It was 3:00. Mike still wasn't here.

"Damnit Mike" I curse under my breath. I have so much homework to get done, and Mike not being here is not helping.

I wait for another five minutes until I see him finally walk out of the school, crowded by his friends.

I see the one with curly hair smiling at him, nodding his head, and I also see one I've never seen before, who is talking about something to the group.

Whenever I see Eddie close behind him, I almost throw up in my mouth.

It finally hits me that this is his nerd club surrounding him.

Mike spots me from where he's standing with his friends, and says goodbye to all of them.

Mike arrives at the car, now alone.

"It's 3:05" I scowl at him.

"I'm so sorry that I wasted five minutes of your precious time" he sarcastically replies back.

I roll my eyes and unlock the car.

We both get in and I start the car, beginning to drive home. I ask, "What took you so long anyway?"

"The Hellfire Club needed a place to continue our campaign, so I offered our house." he explains.

I almost crash the car when I hear this.

"What?! Are you kidding me?!" I turn my head to look at him. I feel like smacking Mike at the moment.

They've never all been to our house before.

"I mean, I'm sure mom will say yes, she loves it when I have friends over." he says while continuing to look out the window, as if this isn't a big deal.

I just sigh and shake my head, slowly continuing to drive home.

I do not want nerds roaming my house, especially while I'm there.

"If any of your friends bother me tonight, or even if you do, they're not coming back over. Ever." I warn him.

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