01 (intro)

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"Come on! I can't be late!" my brother kept pestering at me.

I was taking him to his nerd club. He plays once a week with his friends, if that's what you want to call them.

Their little group is basically a cult, and you cannot change my mind, I mean they literally wear matching shirts with a demon labeled onto it.

I always wonder how he finds interest in playing a fantasy game for like 9 hours straight, but whatever makes him happy, right?

I lift my wrist up to check my watch, finding that the time reads 4:52 PM. I roll my eyes to myself.

I'm not even that late.

I run out of my room and practically fly down the stairs to find Mike waiting at the front door. He's wearing the same club shirt to match with the rest of his friends, and the words HELLFIRE spread across it in black lettering. He's giving me a mean glare, which I ignore as I push past him and open the door.

As we enter the car, I notice Mike purposely slam his door shut extra hard. I insert the key into the car and begin to back out of the driveway while asking "Why do you care so much if you're three minutes late to your little cult meeting?"

"It's not a cult!" Mike almost yells, "and I don't want the other guys getting mad when I'm not there on time, especially Eddie!" he adds on.

"Who cares what that freak thinks?" I make a face of disgust just by thinking of him.

Eddie Munson. My number one enemy since the fifth grade, when I first moved to Hawkins. He's a complete wreck who can't even graduate high school properly. He's always bothering my friends like Jason and I, he hangs out with freshmen, and basically leads a cult.

I shake my head slightly, trying to get the horrifying image of him out of my mind.

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The car comes to a halt, causing Mike and I to jolt forward a bit. I hear him immediately unbuckle his seatbelt, jumping out of the car.

I struggle to catch up to him as he takes steps towards the school. Our mother insisted I walk him into the building.

But just as we're getting close to the entrance, a tall figure opens the door before Mike can even reach the handle.


"Welcome Wheeler" he makes a welcoming gesture to Mike, then turns and notices me. "Or should I say Wheeler's?" he tilts his head.

I roll my eyes.

"I'm guessing you're the one responsible for Mike arriving late?" he now crosses his arms, leaning against the door to let Mike pass, to which he does.

"I'm sorry that I have better things to do than take my brother to your freak club!" I spit.

"Freak club huh?" he gives me a cold stare, "That's a good one." he adds on with a sarcastic smile.

I give him a sarcastic smile back. Two can play that game.

"I wouldn't think that hanging out with your boyfriend Jason would be better than this but whatever." he turns around about to walk back inside.

"He isn't my boyfriend!" I exclaim.

He turns his head back and smirks, "Right, and I'm not a freak."

"Fuck off Munson" I yell while turning on my heel and walking to my car.

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AN: sorry that we're friends with jason, but we kinda gotta be for the enemies to lovers trope. ty for reading! it gets better:))

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