The Last Supper

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"Afia, akwaaba o. How was work?" Her mother greeted her as soon as she entered the house. 

"Work was fine, Mama. I'll be going out shortly, so I came to get ready."

"Aahn I know already. A lovely dress was delivered earlier for you. I put it in your room."

"Really? Did they say who it is from?"

"No o, he just said he was asked to deliver it to Asha."

"Thank you, Mama. I am going to get ready now."

Asha was dumbfounded when she saw the dress spread out on her bed and a box of her favourite sweets - kube toffee, nkatie cake and Kitkat. She pulled the note tucked in the side of the box and read it. Tears streamed down her face gently. She was overwhelmed with emotions. Aya had really gone the extra mile to make her feel okay with his absence. She grabbed her phone, left him a message, and then went to get ready.

When Junior arrived, she was ready and waiting for him in the living room. Her mother couldn't stop gushing about how beautiful she looked, and Junior didn't help the matter when he came in and joined her mother. Asha's mother hadn't stopped thanking Junior for introducing her to Aya.

"Aren't we going to be late, Mr Always on Time?" She asked him, rolling her eyes.
"Well, there shouldn't be any traffic, so we should be fine." He responded with a chuckle. He turned to her mother and waved her goodbye before heading for the door.
The ride to the restaurant was full of their usual banter, mostly of Junior teasing her about some glow she supposedly had. Asha teased him back about how he needed a girl in his life because he was growing old.

"How is Pancakery this empty? This is odd." Asha stated, surprised. There were about just four cars in the 200-capacity parking space, which was highly unusual for Pancakery.
"Well, it happens a few times in the year, and tonight seems to be one of those days. Let's go."
When they entered the restaurant, it was dimly lit with candles, and rose petals were strewn along the path.
"This might explain the empty car park. A private event." Junior said to her just before a violin-like sound filled the air.
Asha turned to Junior with a questioning look. He shrugged.
After about a minute, she recognised the tune - the same sound Aya plays for her on their FaceTime calls. He composed it himself a couple of years ago, he said.
She looked at Junior again with an "I'll kill you" look.
Junior just smiled and took her arm in his, and walked ahead.

The sound got closer as they moved, and the silhouette she had seen from a distance became clearer. It was Aya. He wasn't on a work trip. He was right here, a few meters away from her. Playing the violin for her. Serenading her. Tears began to fall again. Her feet were planted on the ground, although she wanted to run toward Aya and hug him forever. She remained in her spot and enjoyed the sound. When the sound ended, a screen lit up behind Aya as he went on one knee and brought out a ring. The words displayed across it made Asha's knees wobble. Junior was still next to her, so he held her from falling.

"Asha Afia Quinn, will you be my girlfriend?" Aya asked.
She only nodded, and Aya walked toward her and embraced her. He held her till she stopped crying, wiped her face, and went on one knee.
"I'm not sure I got your response the first time, so let's do this again."
She chuckled.
"Asha Afia Quinn, will you be my girlfriend?"
"Yes, Aya Kojo Siso, I will be your girlfriend."
He slipped the ring on her finger and then hugged her again.

Exactly two years later, this scene happened again, but this time around, they planned it properly and got cars to fill the parking lot so Asha wouldn't suspect a thing. And Aya was the one who drove her there. And the significant difference?
Aya was asking Asha to marry him.

Over the two years, they had grown beautifully together. Asha completed her Master's degree in Industrial Psychology. She was now the head of HR and mental health matters in YISO Global. Aya was now the CEO of one of TRW's newest branches in the country and a Board Member.
Junior was now the head of the Legal Department in YISO Global. He had started a law firm to handle mainly pro bono cases for the less privileged in society. He was still driving his Uber and handing out books to passengers. And Asha was still badgering him about the absence of a girlfriend in his life because he was turning 37 the next month.

P.S: Kube Toffee = Coconut Toffee; Nkatie Cake = Peanut Cake/Brittle



Team Shaya!!!! ❤️🥳🥰
Aya is quite the romantic man, ain't he? Aaaah, I'm so happy for Asha and Aya!
And Junior is such a sweet friend and brother!

Honestly, I am really grateful to you guys for staying to this point. It means so much to me! And I hope you enjoyed this story and learnt at least one thing from it!

I know quite a number of you are not happy that the Jasha ship sunk, so let me hear it all! Share your thoughts/feelings with me below! 

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