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The weekend went by quickly, and it was already Sunday evening. The perks of having his father as his boss was that he could always pop into his parent's home and have meetings. Earlier in the day, when he closed from church, he had passed by his parents' and briefed his father about the interview. His father was impressed by all the candidates and couldn't pick a favourite one. That was until he checked his email.

"These candidates all sound qualified and equally good. I don't think I can settle on a favourite this time."
Junior silently thanked God that his father didn't add the usual question he'd asked after every interview.
A moment passed, and his father called him. "Junior."
"Yes, Dad?"
"What do you think about them, who would you choose if you had the opportunity?"
I jinxed it, he thought to himself. "It is a tough call. Just like you, I thought they were all good and equally qualified. They all seem to have a diverse background which is a plus. However, I know one of the candidates personally. From my knowledge of her, I would choose her. Not because she is a friend, but because out of all three of them, she had the highest score on the aptitude test, she was the most assertive and confident one. She asked the most unique questions - she asked about the company's culture and how employees were supported during the COVID-19 pandemic".
"I just looked through the report the recruiting team sent me and I want to choose one Asha. She has read my book and quoted me!"
"Well, that's the same person I am talking about, too", Junior laughed; he had totally forgotten about that.

One requirement of all employees during their orientation period was to read 'The Winning Race'. They were to choose one work ethic they would live by during their tenure at the company. Many businesses in the country and abroad have adapted the work ethics outlined in the book for their company. Universities required their business students to read it, so it was only right Vince Snr added it to the processes of his own company. He only started doing this about five years ago. It was a tough decision because he didn't want to appear arrogant, as though he was the only one who knew the best work ethics in the world. But the more companies and universities adapted his ethics, the more compelled he felt to add that step to the orientation. He didn't want to give the impression that he didn't believe in his values. And if anyone would be honest, they have had better employees and results since they started that practice. Junior believes it is because the employees are allowed to choose an ethic themselves, compared to it being imposed on them. It gives them a feeling of being a part of the process. And each employee's chosen ethic is written down in their files. At the end of each year, an employee whose work reflects their selected ethic gets a special bonus added to the general bonuses.

"It seems they also made similar notes like you did - she was assertive, confident, knew the little details of the company and asked questions around them. The others seemed to have the skills and qualifications but not her curiosity. She is their final choice," his father paused.
"Junior, what kind of relationship do you have with her?"
"Dad, she is only a friend. She was my passenger a few months ago. She asked for one of my car books to read, and she settled on 'The Winning Race' and we became friends after that".
He paused; his father searched his face as though looking for something more.
Junior went on. "No, she didn't get any inside information from me. I had no idea she was applying to the company, and I was equally surprised when she entered the room".
"Okay, son. I only wanted to be sure."
"I know, Dad and I understand."

"Honey. Junior. Food is ready, come and let's eat." Junior's mother shouted from the dining area. Junior and his dad glanced at each other; Junior started packing up his work files quickly as his father headed for the dining area. His mother detested them working on weekends. They had snuck up to the study to quickly discuss the interview when she went to the kitchen. They had to exit the study just as fast to avoid her wrath. They enjoyed lunch, and Junior left them.


Ten chapters in, and you're still here! Thank you soo much!

Soo, now we know Asha passed the interview and has been chosen.💃🏽
Will Junior be able to keep quiet till the company reaches out to Asha ?🤐
And if Junior is choosing Asha too, we can hope there's no company rule to come between them, right?!🤓
Aah I can't wait to see Asha's reaction when she gets the news! 🥳

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