Bruce, The Almighty

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As he drove away, he prayed silently, "Thank You, Lord Jesus, for a wonderful first passenger! According to Your Word, I declare and believe that I will get even more pleasant passengers for the rest of the day. I receive it done unto me, in Jesus's Name, Amen!"

Junior checked his phone for any new requests, but surprisingly, there were none. Hm, where do I head now, he wondered. Let me go to the office and finish reading through those proposals, he thought.

He set his location on the map and started to move toward Teshie. His mind wandered as he drove - from business to his father and his siblings. Hmph, I miss them; I should call them tonight, he noted mentally. And then, his mind wandered to Asha and his morning trip.

She was riveting, she appeared quiet and reserved, but she didn't act like it. Such a deceptive look! She was pretty and sounded smart. He remembered how she stole glances at him before she mustered the courage to ask to borrow a book. He wondered what her look of seemingly admiration and interest in him was. Lord, let it not be another case of "Bruce, the Almighty", he prayed silently. "You're wondering who that is, right? Well, allow me to fill you in."

"Bruce, the Almighty" was a young, pretty intern the firm hired as my secretary for the 2019 summer period. Elaina, my secretary, was on maternity leave, and I really didn't want to replace her long-term, so I chose the intern route. Baaba Bruce was a bright and collected lady. She was assertive and firm - that was my favourite trait because she could use it to keep my schedule clear once I mentioned I wanted it that way. She was a go-getter – I liked that till I found out I was one of her targets.

She was head over heels in love, or better yet, in "infatuation" with me. I was blind to this, although it seemed everyone was in the loop. I presume she was just hardworking and wanted me to notice, so I retained her, although sometimes, it did cross my mind that she had a crush on me. On the last day of her internship, she walked into my office.

"Sir, thank you so much for this opportunity to work with VISO Global. It is every mate of mine's dream workplace, and here I am. Thank you, Sir". She stepped forward, stretching her hand towards me as though reaching for a handshake, but instead, she stole a hug. The next thing I know, she is trying to kiss me. I have never moved so fast in my life! I pushed her back and then hit the security alarm, and security rushed in. They took her away, and I was relieved! And that was how Bruce Almighty came about! Someway somehow, everyone knew about her obsession with me except me!


Thank you for reading, and I hope you enjoyed it! 

What are your thoughts so far? Do you think Asha will be another "Bruce, the Almighty" in Junior's life? Or will they be more?

Please share your thoughts with me below; I can't wait to read and respond to them all!

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