Secret's Out

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"First things first. How come you didn't tell me you were the son of the famous Vince Siso Snr? Who keeps such a secret?" Asha asked as soon as they got out of the office building.

"And who keeps the company they are interviewing with a secret?" Junior responded with a smirk. "And how is that even the first thing? You don't want to know how you did in the interview? Nothing about it?" Junior asked, surprised.

"No, Junior. The other candidates don't have that opportunity, I don't think it is fair. And please, don't hire me because of our friendship. Let it be...."

"Be rest assured, Asha. I really have no say in who is hired. The HR staff and department heads do that. I only sit through the interviews because my father asked me to - he wants a detailed report of how things are done and he wants me to do it. It puts his mind at ease that there is a legal mind on the panel to avoid any wrongdoings". Junior paused, looked at her, and went on. "Yes, I ask questions a few times, but that's it. I don't make the decision, so if you're hired, when you're hired, it will be solely based on merits".

"When? When I am hired? So I was that good huh?" Asha asked cockily.

"Now, look who is interested in interview feedback", Junior laughed. "My lips are sealed, madam 'it's not fair'".

Asha rolled her eyes at him. He shook his head and feigned hurt.

They sat in his car and headed to lunch. He thought it would be nice to take Asha somewhere more fancy because it was apparent she put a lot of work into preparing for the interview.

The ride to the restaurant was relatively silent as they were both lost in their thoughts.

Asha couldn't help but wonder about Junior. She respected Junior even more now, and her interest level had been piqued beyond reasonable limits. He is the son of the great Vince Siso, the heir apparent; yet, he is working as an Uber driver. He is one of the nicest and most caring people she has ever met. No iota of pride, or rudeness. He is the epitome of humility and love. He nullifies the theory that rich people's kids are some of the most arrogant people you will ever meet. He is selfless and seeks to help others. She wouldn't be here today if he hadn't been kind to her and agreed to discuss the book he gave her. She would still be living her mediocre life, thinking she was doing the most. Whew, thank You, God.

Junior's mind was filled with the events of the morning. Asha's interview went on smoothly. Junior was beyond pleased when the interview ended. Because when he saw her surprise as she entered the room, he was concerned for a moment, hoping his presence wouldn't affect her negatively. And it didn't! It was as though he didn't exist until he asked a question.

His colleagues were all pleased with her when the interview was done. Although the other two candidates were equally good, Asha was more assertive and spoke eloquently. And there was something about her that made them fall in love with her, yet they couldn't place their hand on it. He knew Asha was impressive, but he couldn't help but wonder if his colleagues were pretending because they learnt he knew her. He brushed off the thoughts and turned towards Asha.


Really, guys, it's such an honour that you've stayed with me and this story up until now! Thank you!

So now we know Junior isn't part of the decision-making. How do we feel about that?

Do you think Junior's colleagues were pretending they liked Asha to please Junior?
It looks like Junior and Asha have decided to continually outdo each in love, huh? Well, impressing each other!
Oh, and did you see who Junior's father is?? 😱

How surprised are you at the turn of events?

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