Office Wahala

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"Asha, why are you doing this?" Ms Akoto asked, her voice laced with sadness.

"Ms. Akoto, it's been a great experience working here. I have learned a lot but I believe it is time to move on to new things."
"You know you're the most efficient employee in this department. Is it something I did? Or some..."
"No, Miss. This is my personal decision, stemming from my own reasons. Nothing to do with you or any of my colleagues."

"Aaah, wait. I think I know why, the promotion. Because I didn't nominate you for promotion last year. I know you are better than Ama, whom I nominated, but it was just because she had been here longer. That's all. She's nowhere near as good as you. I will nominate you this year, Asha. Please, rethink this decision."

"Oh, Miss Akoto. I didn't even know this, and no, I wasn't expecting to be promoted last year because it was my second year here, and I knew there was a lot more to learn in the role. Thank you for letting me know about your culture and values."
Asha paused and shook her head.
"You know, you have given me more reason to go ahead with my decision. What's the point in being here if progress is based on what someone says and not on merits? Regardless of what I do and how hard I work, if you or someone else is not pleased, I will remain stagnant. That's not right. Something needs to be changed."
Asha paused, giving Ms Akoto time to think about what she had said. "This is my resignation letter and my two weeks notice."
Ms Akoto reluctantly took the letter.
"Thank you for the opportunity to work here for the last three years. It's been a great learning journey."
"I am sorry, Asha. You are a great team member, and I know you will excel in your next role or whatever you set out to achieve. All the best, Asha." Ms Akoto said solemnly as Asha walked to the door.
"Thank you, Ms Akoto."

Asha was beyond disappointed in Ms Akoto and the other department heads. She wondered how many of her colleagues had been passed up for promotion just because the leader had a favourite or someone they preferred more. This is definitely not the environment she wants to be in. She was grateful for the last three years but even more thankful for the next three and more ahead of her. She started thinking of ways to bring this to light or help her colleagues in this company and elsewhere where they were facing similar situations. She immediately jotted this down in her notebook to think more and find a solution.

Her last two weeks in the company were mostly a blur because the company's rules didn't allow her superiors to assign her any new tasks. She was to focus on bringing everything she worked on to completion. But for Asha, there was really nothing to be done because she was already done with her assigned projects. And unfortunately, what she feared the most happened before her two weeks were up - she became the centre of the office gossip and the plague no one wanted to be around. Even Milly, her after-work buddy, had deserted her. On her last day, the security man, Mr Fofo, engaged her after work.

"Madam, how are you today? I hear say you dey lef we eh. Na true?"

"Yes o, Mr. Fofo. My time here is up."
"Ei Madam, so who go bring me food small small? Thank you o, for all the things you fi do for me. God bless you, madam."
"God bless you too, Mr Fofo. I am sure God will send somebody to take care of you again. Don't worry." Asha said with a smile, tipped him and stepped outside the gate.

Fortunately, her Uber had arrived - she was glad to be not returning to this place again. She spent the ride home putting down ideas to improve fairness in the corporate world. She knew it wouldn't be easy, but it was definitely worth trying, so she wouldn't give up. She'd keep trying till there was a breakthrough. She had to try.

Asha's two-week break before starting work at TRW was spent alternating between sleeping, reading, trying new restaurants with Junior, coming home to her mother's questioning looks and utterances, and exploring more ideas for her latest project, making the corporate place better. Junior had been of tremendous help in this regard. Although she hadn't got a concrete plan yet, she had made significant progress.


Have you or someone you know been a victim of office politics?
Why do you think Asha's colleagues became bitter when they learnt she was leaving?

Ahh, I'm excited! Plus, we have three more chapters to go!!
Thank you for sticking with me thus far; it means a lot🙏🏾! Love you!!!

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