Chapter 28: What Are Friends For

Start from the beginning

"Which is?" Peter wonders.

"Take deep breaths, focus on your surroundings, think happy thoughts or listen to the people above cause I know you can hear them" Otto lists.

Peter starts to take his deep breaths and closing his eyes as he does so. He listens to Mjs heartbeat that is a little frantic but otherwise calm. He thinks about how Tony loved his present and how Bucky looked more alive with the responsibility of a cat.

"That's it. You're doing it" Mr. Harrington encourages.

He opens his eyes and focuses on his surroundings. He's still at school and that voice from earlier is gone because it was never real.

"Are you ok now Peter?" Cindy asks.

"Yea, sorry" Peter apologizes.

"Can you two take him to the nurse? I have to get back to my class" Mr. Harrington wonders.

"Of course" Abe nods.

"Thank you" Peter thanks.

"You're welcome. Just go home and rest, ok?" Mr. Harrington suggests to which Peter nods his head.

He starts to walk away until he disappears back into his class. Peter then proceeds to get up from the floor and look at Cindy and Abe.

"I know what Mr. Harrington said but I don't need to go to the nurse" Peter claims.

"No way dude. We are taking you to the nurse" Abe protests.

"We aren't taking no for an answer" Cindy argues.

"I promise I'm fine. I just don't need to go to the nurse" Peter reassures while fixing his sweatshirt.

"Then where do you want us to take you?" Cindy questions.

"Nowhere" Peter answers.

"Who's the watch lady? You said her name is Karen but yesterday you were calling her Siri. Did Mr. Stark give that to you?" Abe wonders.

"I...what?" Peter asks confused.

"We aren't idiots. We know your internship is real. You're literally the smartest person in the school" Cindy explains.

"Oh well uhhhh y-yeah. He umm gave the watch to me" Peter nods.

"That's so cool man. Since you won't let us take you to the nurse, do you just wanna skip? Class will be over soon anyways" Abe shrugs.

"What? No! You guys don't have to do that!" Peter practically shouts.

"No but we want too plus our teacher told us we can go to the library to grab books" Cindy shrugs, holding onto her backpack strap.

"...fine" Peter agrees.

"Yay!" Cindy cheers as the three of them begin to walk.

"What class were you in?" Abe wonders.

"Math with Mj and Ned but they're still in class" Peter claims.

"They didn't follow you out?" Cindy questions.

"I told them not too" Peter shrugs. "Anyways, when do you guys think AcaDec practices are starting up again?"

"Next week and we all know Mj is going to be drilling us" Abe complains making Peter and Cindy chuckle in agreement.

"Yep, that's Mj for you" Peter agrees.

"I know this is weird to bring up but do you guys think Betty and Ned like each other?" Cindy brings up.

"Yes, have you seen the way they look at each other?!" Abe explains.

"Ned never told me he does but I know he secretly likes her" Peter assures.

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