chapter thirty one

700 13 4

"Zombie road"

Ουπς! Αυτή η εικόνα δεν ακολουθεί τους κανόνες περιεχομένου. Για να συνεχίσεις με την δημοσίευση, παρακαλώ αφαίρεσε την ή ανέβασε διαφορετική εικόνα.

"Zombie road"



"Delilah!" Addison said loudly as she held her sister, squinting her eyes, Delilah rubbed them as she looked up at her older sister, "Hey there, sleeping beauty glad you could be here with us." Murphy grumbled as he pushed one of the sick people off of his shoulder, grunting as Addisons leg came in contact with the side of his calf.

"What happened?" Delilah voice squeaked slightly as she sat up from Addy, "You passed out, after puking the none existing contents of your stomach out." She explained as Delilah rubbed her head, "Where are we going?" She asked again "East, somewhere." Addison spoke looking at the dirt road behind them, not far along trailed the car that 'wrecking ball' was on.

"Here, have some water." Addison spoke softly to the girl, who took it gratefully. Drinking the water like she had never had it before, down in seconds.

The girls brows furrowed as she watched Murphy light a joint, watching closely as he inhaled it before turning Cassandra's head towards him blowing the smoke into her mouth. "I think I might throw up again." She grumbled pulling her legs closer to her body, laying her head on top of her knees.

"Where's everyone else?" She asked the red head beside her, "Up the top, there's some sort of new mutated zombie, they're calling them blasters, killed by the blast not long ago."

"How are they mutated?" She asked looking over the side of the truck as she looked at a corpse laying in the floor, it's face had been chewed off, leaving it's skull with no brain in sight. "I'm not going to enjoy this one." She huffed falling back against the side of the trailer.

Hearing gun shots from up above, Delilah gripped the gun that sat in the waist band of her jeans, looking above the trailers walls, she looked over Murphy's head seeing three people on quads, "Huddle up!" Delilah yelled at the sick people, pushing them back "Get small!" Addison yelled too, pulling her gun out as both sisters started to shoot at the ambushers.

Yet they had gone around trailer, killing their only defense in the process before speeding off Infront of them to the car that 'wrecking ball' and Doc was inside of.

They watched from above the sides of the trailer, the bandits had managed to pull the car over to a stop, pointing their guns at 'wrecking ball' and Doc in the process of them getting inside.

And slowly, in the most of the sand that had been brought up, Delilah lost sight of the wagon in front of them, their truck trying to speed up, yet it had little to no power left in it to even think about catching up to their speed.

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