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          The One With the Evil Orthodontist

" I can't believe you would actually say that. I would much rather be Mr.Peanut than Mr.Salty."Chandler yelled at Joey

"No way! Mr.Salty is a sailor, all right, he's got to be, like, the toughest snack there is."Joey argued

"I don't know, you don't wanna mess with corn nuts. They're craaazy."Ross said

"Oh my God. You guys! You gotta come see this! There's some creep out there with a telescope!"I said looking out the window

"I can't believe it! He's looking right at us!"Ross said

"Oh, that is so sick."Rachel yelled

"I feel violated. And not in a good way."Chandler said

"How can people do that?... Oh, you guys, look! Ugly Naked Guy got gravity boots!"Pheobe yelled

"I am telling you, years from now, school children will study it as one of the greatest first dates of all time. It was unbelievable!"

"So have you called her yet?"I asked

" Let her know I like her? What are you, insane?"He asked

Monica Pheobe and scoffed.

"It's the next day! How needy do I want to seem? I'm right, right?"Chandler asked the guys

"Oh, yeah. Yeah. Let her dangle."Ross and Joey said

"I can't believe my parents are actually pressuring me to find one of you people."I said

"Oh, God, just do it!"Pheobe grabbed the phone "Call her! Stop being so testosteroney!"She yelled

"Which, by the way, is the real San Francisco treat."

He called her but quickly hung up

"You got her answer machine?"Joey asked

"No, interestingly enough her leaf blower picked up."Chandler joked

"So, uh, why didn't you say anything?"Monica asked

"Oh, no-no-no-no. Last time I left a spontaneous message I ended up using the phrase "Yes indeedy-o."He said

"Look look! It's Rachel and Barry." We all looked "No, don't everybody look at once!"Monica yelled

"Okay, okay, what's going on?"Ross asked

"Okay, they're just talking..."She narrated

"Yeah, well, does he look upset? Does he look like he was just told to shove anything?"Ross asked

"No, no actually, he's smiling.. and... Oh my God, don't do that!!"She said loudly

"What? What? What?!"Ross asked

"That man across the street just kicked that pigeon!"Pheobe siad sadly

The door flung opened

And basically, that's how a bill becomes a law." Chandler said trying to pretend like we werent watching

"Oh!... Right!" We all said in sync

"Hey Rach!"Ross greeted

"How'd it go?"Monica asked

"Y'know, it was, uh.. it was actually really great. He took me to lunch at the Russian Tea Room, and I had that chicken, where y'know you poke it and all the butter squirts out..."She said smiling

"Not a good day for birds..."Phoebe mumbled

"Then we took a walk down to Bendall's, and I told him not to, but he got me a little bottle of Chanel..."

The one with the youngest GellerTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang