I laugh "You can't really expect me to tell a stranger, who didn't tell me she was a vampire, what I was?"
She makes a face at me "You knew I wasn't human. That was enough"
Spencer clears her throat.

"Oh right, sorry. This is Spencer, my friend and roommate, Spence, this is Valkyrie, Robin's sister."

"Your stalker was Robin's sister?" Spencer tilts her head, eying Valkyrie.

Val fluffs her hair dramatically "Yeah yeah. I can't believe I'm being labeled a stalker for following her around once, once!"

"I caught you twice," I correct her.


"Yeah, I'm not sure semantics is the correct word to use here." Spencer says.

"Whatever" She flounces out of the room into the kitchen.

Spencer and I watch Valkyrie take a glass mug from a cupboard. She splashes a little scotch into it and goes to the fridge where she brings out the red liquid and fills her mug with it.

I glance at Spencer from the corner of my eyes. She sits up straight, her eyes going wide as she watches Valkyrie empty the contents of her mug with a sigh.

"Why are you folks looking at me like that?" Valkyrie raises a brow as she refills her drink "Never spiked your food before?"

"Is that...Is that blood?" Spencer asks faintly.

Valkyrie glances from me to Spencer and back again. "Um...yeah? You know what I am, so what's the problem? You don't like me eating in front of you?"

"No problem!" Spencer's voice is a little high.

Valkyrie wipes her mouth as she walks towards us, mug in hand, "Sorry, I was parched, I didn't think you'd mind."

I shrug "We don't mind, I think Spencer is just a little shocked."
"A little" Spencer agrees with me "It never once crossed my mind, I mean duh, Vampire, blood."

"How does that work anyway? I've seen Robin eating human food. We went on a dinner date." I ask Valkyrie.

She shrugs "We can eat human food, it just isn't enough to nourish us. For example, drinking just water all day. It quenches your thirst sure, but doesn't do anything for your hunger. You have to eat as well as drink water, you can't survive on just one. Except, we can survive without human food, some of us just eat it to blend in."

"That's how you don't raise much suspicions" Spencer nods "How you can work with humans and all."
Valkyrie snaps her fingers "Bingo"

"But wait, you can actually walk in the sun? You don't get burnt?"

Valkyrie laughs "No, we don't. It's just an old wives' tale. But it works in our favor. No one is expecting a vampire to walk around during the day."

Valkyrie sips from her mug and Spencer and I exchange glances.

"This is so weird. Here I am in a vampire's home, my best friend is Fae, and a vampire is drinking blood right in front of me" Spencer shakes her head slowly.

"You'll get used to it," Valkyrie tells her.

"I suppose. Has Robin drank blood in front of you? You're acting so normal right now Khloe."

Both women turns their eyes to me.

I sit up straight, cheeks warming at the speculation in their gaze "No."

Valkyrie hums "Speaking of Robin, he mentioned getting a trainer for you."
"Yeah. Now that I'm in this world, and with the danger Casimir poses, I need to be able to protect myself."
"I have a few Fae friends I could talk to for you. On one condition" Valkyrie smirks.

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